Monday, September 9, 2013

The End of Western Civilization

The Dark Powers of the world have run their course, insofar as they have the ability and the power to do so. Their strategic planning is fatally flawed and nearly bankrupt. Tick-tock, time is running out... The central banks and international financiers that created our ongoing and developing disaster are NOT going to allow the destruction of the American economy, the dollar, or global markets without a cover event designed to hide their culpability. They need something big.  Something so big that the average citizen is overwhelmed with fear and confusion.  A smoke and mirrors magic trick so raw and soul shattering it leaves the very population of the Earth mesmerized and helpless to understand the root of the nightmare before them.  The elites need a fabricated Apocalypse.  

Bob Lee Swagger, becomes the hero of our times. Because the Apocalypse can only be stopped by performing basic surgery on the brain trust of the Dark Lords, via the sniper rifle. Swagger is a private citizen, living in the mountains, a recluse from the world that abandoned him. Unshaven and long haired, he lives alone; his only companion his dog, trained to open the fridge and take out a cold beer for Bobby Lee as he returns to his cabin. Sharing a slurp of the beer with his dog, Swagger turns on his PC and the Internet, looking at news of a world that mostly has him shaking his head. 

We are all shaking our heads. Asking the question, "What kind of lame shit is this?" Wondering what the fuck is going on.

Do you really want to know the answer to that question? Can you handle the Truth? And, if so, what do you plan to do about it?

In the movie, The Matrix, the main character, "Neo", faces a choice whether to take a red pill, which will awaken him to the “real” world he cannot see, or a blue pill, which will leave his illusory reality untouched.

What color pill do you want, bro?

Somebody told me once, "There are only two kinds of animals in this world: the hunters and the hunted - the wolves and the sheep." If you hang out with the hunted you are going to be hunted, too. If you hang out with the sheep you are going to be eaten. And, not in a good way.

"Why are you sitting up there on that railroad bridge, Leroy?"

"Cause my Mamma told me that if I sat up here the train was gonna come along and suck me off."

It's all semantics. And, speaking of semantics, Enter Syria...

I have been warning about the Syrian trigger point for a very long time.  Syria's mutual defense pact with Iran, its strong ties to Russia, the Russian naval base off its coast, the advanced Russian weaponry in it's arsenal, its proximity to vulnerable oil shipping lanes, all make the nation a perfect catalyst for a global catastrophe.  The civil war in Syria is already spreading into neighboring countries like Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, and if one looks at the facts objectively, the entire war is a product of covert action on the part of the U.S. and its allies.

The U.S. trained, armed, and funded the insurgency using Al Qaeda operatives.  Saudi Arabia has sent funding and arms as well.  Israel has aided the rebels using air strikes within Syria's borders (even though this means that the Israeli government is essentially helping their supposed mortal enemies).  This war would NOT be taking place today without the express efforts of the West.  Period. 

If one takes more than a brief examination of the Syrian insurgency, they would find an organization of monsters.  Wretched amoral wet-work ghouls whose crimes have been thoroughly documented, including the mass executions of unarmed captured soldiers, the torture and beheading of innocent civilians, the mutilation and cannibalism of dead bodies, and the institution of theological tyranny on a terrified populace.  The U.S. created and unleashed these demons, and now, we the people are being asked by the White House to support them through force of arms.

But what is the goal here...?

There are no sides. There's no Sunnis and Shiites. There's no Democrats and Republicans. There's only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS.

This is a country, where the Secretary of Defense can go on TV, and tell the American public, oh, that "This is about freedom! It's not about oil!" And nobody questions him, because they don't wanna hear the answer, because it's a lie! There are only so many places at the table, bro. Now, are you on the INSIDE, or are you on the OUT?

There are only so many slices of pie...

The goal, I believe, is to utterly transform the world's political, economic, and social systems.  The goal is to generate intense fear; fear that can be used as capital to buy, as the globalists call it, a “new world order”.  Syria is the first domino in a long chain of calamities; what the Rand Corporation sometimes refers to as a “linchpin”.  As I write this, the Obama Administration is moving naval and ground forces into position and clamoring in a painfully pathetic fashion to convince the American public that 90% of us are “wrong” and that a strike on Syria is, in fact, necessary.  It appears that the establishment is dead set on starting this chain reaction and accelerating the global collapse.  So, if a strike does occur, what can we expect to happen over the next few years?  Here is a rundown...

1) Many U.S. allies will refrain from immediate participation in an attack on Syria.  Obama will continue unilaterally (or with the continued support of Israel and Saudi Arabia), placing even more focus on the U.S. as the primary cause of the crisis.

2) Obama will attempt to mitigate public outcry by limiting attacks to missile strikes, but these strikes will be highly ineffective compared to previous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

3) A no fly zone will be established, but the U.S. Navy will seek to stay out of range of high grade Russian missile technology in the hands of Syria, and this will make response time to the Syrian Air Force more difficult.  Expect much higher American naval and air force casualties compared to Iraq and Afghanistan.

4) Iran will immediately launch troops and arms in support of Syria.  Syria will become a bewildering combat soup of various fighting forces battling on ideological terms, rather than over pure politics and borders.  Battles will spread into other countries, covertly and overtly, much like during Vietnam.

5) Israel will probably be the first nation to send official ground troops into Syria (and likely Iran), citing a lack of effectiveness of U.S. airstrikes.  American troops will follow soon after.

6) Iran will shut down the Straight of Hormuz sinking multiple freighters in the narrow shipping lane and aiming ocean skimming missiles at any boats trying to clear the wreckage.  Oil exports through the straight of Hormuz will stop for months, cutting 20% of the world's oil supply overnight.

7) The Egyptian civil war, now underway but ignored by the mainstream, will explode due to increased anger over U.S. presence in Syria.  The Suez Canal will become a dangerous shipping option for oil exporters.  Many will opt to travel around the Horn of Africa, adding two weeks to shipping time and increasing the cost of the oil carried.

8) Saudi Arabia will see an uprising of insurgency that has been brewing under the surface for years.

9) Gasoline prices will skyrocket.  I am predicting a 75%-100% increase in prices within two-three months of any strike on Syria.

10) Travel will become difficult if not impossible with high gasoline costs.  What little of our economy was still thriving on vacation dollars will end.  Home purchases will fall even further than before because of the extreme hike in travel expenses required for families to move.  

11) Russia will threaten to limit or cut off all natural gas exports to the EU if they attempt to join with the U.S. in aggression against Syria.  The EU will comply due to their dependency on Russian energy.

12) Russia will position naval forces in the Mediterranean to place pressure on the U.S.  I feel the possibility of Russia initiating direct confrontation with the U.S. is limited, mainly because countries like Russia and China do not need to engage the U.S. through force of arms in order to strike a painful blow.  

13) China and Russia will finally announce their decision to drop the dollar completely as the world reserve currency.  A process which already began back in 2005, and which global banks have been fully aware of for years. 

14) Because of China's position as the number one exporter and importer in the world, many nations will follow suit in dumping the dollar in bilateral trade.  The dollar's value will implode.  China, Russia, and the war in Syria will be blamed, and global banks including the Federal Reserve will be ignored as the true culprits.

15) The combination of high energy prices and a devaluing dollar will strike retail prices hard.  Expect a doubling of prices on all goods.  Look for many imported goods to begin disappearing from shelves. 

16) Homelessness will expand exponentially as cuts to welfare programs, including food stamps, are made inevitable.  However, welfare will not disappear, it will merely be “adjusted” to fit different goals.  The homeless themselves will be treated like criminals.  The roaming bands of jobless drifters common during the Great Depression will not exist during a modern crisis.  State and Federal agencies will pursue an “out of sight, out of mind” policy towards the indigent, forcing them into “aid shelters” or other bureaucratic contraptions designed to conditioning the homeless to accept refugee status, making them totally dependent on federal scraps, but also prisoners on federally designated camps.  

17) Terrorist attacks (false flag or otherwise) will spread like wildfire.  Israel is highly susceptible.  The U.S. may see a string of attacks, including cyber attacks on infrastructure.  Syria and it's supporters will be blamed regardless of evidence.  The White House will begin broad institution of authoritarian powers, including continuity of government executive orders, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, etc.

18) Martial Law may not even be officially declared, but the streets of America will feel like martial law none the less. 

19) False paradigms will flood the mainstream as the establishment seeks to divide American citizens.  The conflict will be painted as Muslim against Christian, black against white, poor against rich (but not the super rich elites, of course).  Liberty Movement activists will be labeled “traitors” for “undermining government credibility” during a time of crisis.  The Neo-Conservatives will place all blame on Barack Obama.  Neo-Liberals will blame conservatives as “divisive”.  Liberty Movement activists will point out that both sides are puppets of the same international cabal, and be labeled “traitors” again.  The establishment will try to coax Americans into turning their rage on each other.

20) The Homeland Security apparatus will be turned completely inward, focusing entirely on “domestic enemies”.  The domain of the TSA will be expanded onto highways and city streets.  Local police will be fully federalized.  Northcom will field soldiers within U.S. border to deal with more resistant quarters of the country.  Totalitarianism will become the norm.

What Can We Do Right Now?

Senator Charles F. Meachum: "Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your damn mind? I am a United States Senator!"
Bob Lee Swagger: "Exactly."

"I'm a Senator: You can't do this!" cries the fat man, as Swagger blows his brains out with a pistol, before placing it in Johnson's hands. Swagger breaks the gas line of the cabin, and as Swagger runs to his car, the cabin explodes. The film ends with Swagger, Sarah behind the wheel, driving into the distance.

Repeat as necessary...

As I have said many times before, a fight is coming.  There is no way around it.  But this fight must be fought intelligently, and we must never forget who the REAL enemy is.  

If a revolution ensues and Obama loses control, the establishment could simply trigger a Neo-Con or military coup in order to placate the masses and fool Constitutionalists into believing they have been saved.  Useless solutions will be presented to the people, including new leadership composed of more old guard elitists, a disastrous Constitutional Convention, or limited secession (which will never be honored by the establishment anyway).  The purpose of these false solutions will be to fool you into relaxing your vigilance, distracting you from seeking justice against globalist organizations, or, to redirect your energies away from self sufficient communities, counties, and states, ready to dispel aggressive establishment elements.

Beware of those who grasp too readily for leadership over you.  Real leaders stand as teachers, not oligarchs, and rarely do they take on the role without considerable reservations.  Never trust anyone who does not immediately back their promises with tangible action.  And, never forget that we fight not just for the removal of one particular tyrant, but for Constitutional liberty itself.  One must follow the other, or there has been no victory.

Though it is depressingly difficult to see in times like these, there is indeed good in this world.  There are ideals, and aspirations, and visions, and loves worth standing up for, worth fighting for, and worth dying for.  There is still a future worth striving for at the end of the long night.  There are dreams here, in the hearts of men, worth realizing.  We do not necessarily battle for what humanity is, but for what we have the potential to become.  The tides of society may shift and storm, the chaos may become unbearable, and the world may tear apart until it is unrecognizable.   The agents of dominion believe they are the only constant, but there is another.  In time, the dim pale of tyranny will always break in the light of freedom's resolute.  Get ready, honorable Psychopathic Army, our work has just begun.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Guns don't kill people - crazy motherfuckers kill people!

You pretended to love me...
I guess, to you I was a novelty,
some weird shit designed to entertain you,
and play the fool so you could laugh,
Be entertained motherfucker!

Guess what?
I will be laughing when  I pull your intestines out!

I will be laughing when I masturbate on your corpse,
and ejaculate on your face...

I will be laughing when I kill your family,
and friends and lovers,
one person at a time.

The rockets red glare,
bombs bursting in air,
gave proof through the night,
that I came inside your Mama.

And, I'm not going to stop there...

The world is fucked up because of you.
You want to 'feel something', don't you?
You want to feel groovy...

Eat, drink and make merry.
You deserve to be happy.
I mean, you only live once...
why waste it being a shit-head?

When you strangle a person their eyes bug out,
they look like that character on the Apple Jacks box.
Do you like Apple Jacks?
What is your favorite cereal?

Have you noticed that most of the food you buy,
goes bad before you can eat it?

Bread gets moldy...
The cheese is moldy, too.

Have you ever stabbed anyone?
The look on their face is priceless.
Especially if they trusted you...

In out, in out...
a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Balls? Where did you leave them?
One crazy person is worth more than an army of average Joes.
Because insanity is relentless...
it just keeps on coming.

Round and round it goes,
and where it stops nobody knows.
Maybe it will never stop?

The innocent shall scream for eternity...

God is in Heaven and all's right with the world!

Don't worry, I have read your requests and I know what you want.
I read my email everyday.
You want JUSTICE,
You want to be free from fear,
You want to let your hair down...
You want to MEET YOUR FATE,
even if it is your doom.

You want to hang the self-righteous,
you want to fuck all the good-looking women,
and, maybe, a few of the ugly ones...
You want to get high without being hassled by the man,
You want to ride off into the sunset in a blaze of GLORY!

Hey, that's what this shit is all about...
But, you know, you've got to help make it happen,
You've got to get a sharp knife and a gun,
You've got to transform yourself into a 'love monkey'...
and, stop making promises that you can't keep.

Fuck, suck, and do the hucklebuck...
and, don't let nothing get you down.

Everybody knows you're ugly,
they know you lie and have stinky feet;
Your breath smells like dog puke,
and you are a fucking hypocrite...
What else is new?

This is your once in a life-time chance to redeem yourself,
don't fuckin' blow it because you are a pussy,
No one can read your mind, or see into your heart,
No one can judge you without judging themselves...

Are ya ready?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The World is Meaningless


There is no God or gods, there are no morals, the Universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.

All meaning is man-made.

So make your own and make it well.

Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die. Do not try to 'find yourself'. You must MAKE YOURSELF. Choose what you want to find meaningful and LIVE, CREATE, HATE, CRY, DESTROY, FIGHT AND DIE FOR IT.  Do not let your life and your values and you actions slip easily into any mold other than that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself."

Do not give in to hope. Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it. Whatever you do, do it for its own sake. When the Universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "fuck you." Remember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.

The world may be empty of meaning but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.

Live deliberately. You are FREE!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Nation of Faith, Power and Glory

The Community knows who the good people are. It also knows who are the parasites and useless eaters, the snitches and the malcontents, the mentally unstable, the haters, and the criminals.

The Community maintains lists of would-be tyrants and their minions. And their families. And their friends and acquaintances.

No evil-doer is safe from the Psychopathic Army.

We have been taught, since birth, that reason and justice cannot prevail on their own. The reasonable and the just must take up arms to defend their liberty from unreasonable and unjust men. Fear and force are the tools that our Government uses to carry out its policies all over the world. 

We have been educated by all of the examples that we see in the world around us. Our politicians have taught us about Truth, and fairness, and common sense. Our Religious leaders have taught us about hypocrisy, and how to combat it. 

We will follow the example of the Abrahamic God, who 'smites' evil men. And offers only one chance at redemption:  "Accept our Truth or dwell in the flames of Hell for all eternity." One chance." It's our way or the highway." "Sinners repent! "

We have been educated well by the system. And, we mean to apply that education in the real world!

There is, however, one slight difference between us and them: we are Psychopaths by design. Our Government wanted to create the perfect assassins and soldiers. They wanted to use 'Mind Control' to manipulate human behavior.  But they failed in their experiments because their subjects lacked core values, and community spirit.

The warriors of the Enemy are empty shells. When Chairman Mao Tse-tung said that the Imperialists were 'paper tigers' he hit the nail right on the head. All the police and their militarized 'tactical squads', all of the Armed forces with their modern weapons, the whole of the gigantic edifice of Government - is a facade! It represents a moral vacuum, and, without the consent of the governed, it has no real power or meaning.

Daily, we see public opinion, from all directions and corners of the political spectrum, turning against the Government. People are starting to believe that their own 'elected' representatives are traitors, liars and criminals. That they are controlled by the rich and powerful, and that American democracy is a farce.

The answer is simple: We need a new Government. One that works for the American People instead of Corporate Capitalism!

The problem is: the people in power are not going to give up that power without a fight. Of course, once the fight begins in earnest, their minions will surrender in droves, because they lack the conviction to take the struggle to the next level. They will accept our offer of redemption.

After that, our enemies will fall one-by-one. And, we will sweep all before us.

Will we be in time to save the world?

The future of humanity is at stake!

Therefore, we appeal to all right thinking men and women: We need your help. 
The future belongs to those who are willing to fight for it!

Join the Psychopathic Army and fight for freedom!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Now that a jury has considered the best evidence the State of Florida could offer against George Zimmerman, and that it did not prove that Zimmerman was either the aggressor or an intentional killer, the left has a problem.  It invested what little credibility it had entirely in using George Zimmerman as a distraction from the horrific violence in black communities.  The consequence, we were told before and have been told since, is that it is open season for non-blacks against blacks, and this case exemplifies how dangerous it is for blacks when they merely buy Skittles or wear a hoodie.

We are forever being told by the left about how awful this country is for anyone who is not white.  Blacks are being gunned down in the streets by non-blacks.  Except they're not.  Muslims are being discriminated against wholesale, and are afraid to leave their homes.  Except they're not.  Gun owners are violent crazies bent on mass murder, except they're not.  Christians are trying to force their religion on us.  Except they're not.  Tea Party members are racists and violent.  I believe the Breitbart reward for evidence of the accusations of tea party racism remains unclaimed, even in this day of cell phone cameras and video. 

At the root of these accusations is hatred by the left of its political and ideological enemies.  They hate the lot of us.

Certainly there are some dim bulbs who actually believe the lies, but we all know that blacks are not being gunned down in the streets by non-blacks anywhere in this country.  What made the Zimmerman case so useful to the race-baiters and hate mongers is that it was, unfortunately, the only example which presented itself despite years of decrying endless, violent, and invisible, racism in our country at large.  And, as Eric Holder has said before and since the Zimmerman verdict, we must not waste the opportunity for that "honest" debate on race which he has been avoiding since 2008.

Indeed, lethal non-black on black violence is so infrequent a phenomena in this supposedly uber-racist country with a black president, that when it became clear that the facts were not quite as the hate mongers could wish, it became necessary to distort them to fit the narrative that would then be spoon fed to the left's mindless cult members.  What happened in Florida might have been a hate crime, or many, but not in terms of what George Zimmerman did.  The racial hate crimes were committed by the left, as usual, and they are so numerous and offensive that they render anyone protesting the Zimmerman verdict appear beyond "ign'ant", in the angry words of the Rev. Sharpton.

The left's first disappointment came when Zimmerman turned out not to be white, since we know how the Rev. Jackson and the Rev. Sharpton feel about white people. Thus, it became necessary to make Zimmerman a new being, born just for this case: the White Hispanic. 

Once it started to become clear just what sort of young man Trayvon Martin had become in life, it became necessary to portray him with complete and utter dishonesty in death.  Instead of being the fully grown 17 year old thug flashing the middle finger, or the trash-talking punk his social media entries show him to be, or the person caught with burglary tools and women's jewelry, or the dope-grower seen in photos, or the guy who punched a school bus driver, we were treated to an endless lie of Trayvon Martin, the sainted child who was only buying Skittles.  His younger, angelic face was displayed incessantly, even after more recent photos and exploits surfaced, making clear the left's deceit.  Trayvon Martin was not the person the left needed us to believe he was for their new and improved racist murder narrative.  Isn't it ironic that Martin turned out to be exactly the kind of person Zimmerman feared was casing his neighborhood?

Similarly, George Zimmerman was not who the left needed him to be, so NBC did what NBC has done so often in the past in service to the left.  With malice, they created the falsified evidence they needed.  Their manipulated 911 recording suddenly was played to the entire country.  There. Now George Zimmerman was undeniably a racist.

The white Chief of Police in Sanford, and his officers, seemed unwilling to accuse Zimmerman of murder without evidence.  His lack of hatred cost him his job.  He was replaced with a black Chief of Police who knew what was expected of him.

The prosecutor who did not see enough evidence to obtain a conviction, or even an indictment, was also replaced with someone who understood their duty to the agenda, rather than the Constitution, the law of Florida and its citizens.  Liberal hatred trumps ethics every time.

The Department of Justice got in on the act, playing an active role in fomenting public anger and hatred toward someone as to whom there wasn't enough evidence to arrest or indict. 

The president decided that if he had a son, he would look like the baby-faced child long outgrown by the real Trayvon Martin.  Of course, it is possible the president was referring to the pot-growing, pot-smoking young man Martin had become.  They certainly would have been able to share some heartwarming father-son moments remembering their favorite bongs.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson certainly did what they do best.  They swept in, told lies in angry tones to people conditioned to believe them, solidified their reputations in some circles as saviors and in others as opportunists, and left deception and hatred in their wakes.

And now that a jury has managed to somehow see through all of that to the truth, the haters and liars are outraged.  Holder is considering civil rights or "hate crime" prosecution of Zimmerman, whose malice has already been adjudged lacking.  Professional athletes tweet of revenge against Zimmerman, and actors profess outrage that the railroading failed to cause this gun-toting, practically-white guy to lose his freedom for a racial crime the left fabricated out of whole cloth from the very beginning.

If George Zimmerman had been black, we would have known nothing about Trayvon Martin's decision to initiate a surprise attack in the dark, thinking he could easily injure or kill George Zimmerman, whose crime up to that point was being a "creepy-ass cracka" who followed  Martin as a potential homosexual predator, as Rachel Jeantel told him just prior to his death. Was Martin's attack on Zimmerman an anti-gay hate crime?

The left has absolutely no problem with blacks killing blacks.  That is the acceptable price paid for the dependency wrought by destruction of the black community through liberal policies.  As long as blacks keep voting 97% for Democrats, the left couldn't care less how many of them kill each other.  The left has no capacity for the honesty needed for that debate.

There has certainly been hate afoot in Sanford, Florida, and across the country.  But as is so often the case, it is perpetrated by those who congratulate themselves on their tolerance, open-mindedness, and higher intellect.  While the left proudly chants and tweets its unabashed hatred for someone who used a gun to defend himself against a fictional "child" who could simply have gone home untouched, their silent bigotry enables countless murders committed by their dependable voting constituency.  As is always true with the left, the ends justify the means.

Meanwhile, isn't it past time to stop pretending that the left and its agenda is not synonymous with hate?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to become a psychopath

"He who does not deserve power will eventually have to surrender it."
~ Mike X

Some time ago, I discussed the question of whether Sherlock Holmes could be classed as a psychopath based on his behavior in the stories. In pursuing this question a little more, I came across an article in the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders that elaborated on how psychopathy manifests itself.

People who are psychopathic prey ruthlessly on others using charm, deceit, violence or other methods that allow them to get with they want. The symptoms of psychopathy include: lack of a conscience or sense of guilt, lack of empathy, egocentricity, pathological lying, repeated violations of social norms, disregard for the law, shallow emotions, and a history of victimizing others.

Robert Hare was one of the leaders in studying this and developed a 20-point psychopathy checklist and you are a given a score of 0, 1, or 2 for each so that your score can range from 0 to 40. The article says that “A prototypical psychopath would receive a maximum score of 40, while someone with absolutely no psychopathic traits or tendencies would receive a score of zero. A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy. People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.”

The twenty items are:
glib and superficial charm
grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
need for stimulation
pathological lying
cunning and manipulativeness
lack of remorse or guilt
shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
callousness and lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
sexual promiscuity
early behavior problems
lack of realistic long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) the scoring must be done by highly trained professionals so kids, don’t try this at home. Still, it gives an interesting breakdown of the elements that constitute psychopathy.

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently had an interesting article by Cambridge University research psychologist Kevin Dutton about trying out something called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) that can lower the electrical activity in that part of the brain that generates feelings, and thus transform one into a psychopath.

Dutton interviewed Hare who said that he thought that as a society there has been an increase in psychopathy. Dutton says Hare’ pessimistic view is supported by other studies that show “college students’ self-reported empathy levels… have been in steady decline over the past three decades” while “during this same period, students’ self-reported narcissism levels have shot through the roof.” He quotes researcher Sara Konrath who says that “Many people see the current group of college students, sometimes called ‘Generation Me’ as one of the most self-centered, narcissistic, competitive, confident, and individualistic in recent history.”

I tend to take these kinds of sweeping generalizations with a pinch of salt, especially when one cannot point to clear reasons as to what caused such major changes.

Psychopathy correlates with lack of empathy but sometimes this detachment can be a good thing, when the situation calls for you to disregard the feelings of others in order to get the job done. his can come in very useful for people who are frequently in situations which require a high-level of calm detachment despite the criticality or danger involved or who face a crisis. As Dutton says,
"In fact, in any kind of crisis, the most effective individuals are often those who stay calm—who are able to respond to the exigencies of the moment while at the same time maintaining the requisite degree of detachment."

Now, one of the things that we know about psychopaths is that the light switches of their brains aren’t wired up in quite the same way as the rest of ours are—and that one area particularly affected is the amygdala, a peanut-size structure located right at the center of the circuit board. The amygdala is the brain’s emotion-control tower. It polices our emotional airspace and is responsible for the way we feel about things. But in psychopaths, a section of this airspace, the part that corresponds to fear, is empty.

In the light-switch analogy, TMS may be thought of as a dimmer switch. As we process information, our brains generate small electrical signals. These signals not only pass through our nerves to work our muscles but also meander deep within our brains as ephemeral electrical data shoals, creating our thoughts, memories, and feelings. TMS can alter the strength of those signals. By passing an electromagnetic current through precisely targeted areas of the cortex, we can turn the signals either up or down.

Turn down the signals to the amygdala, of course, and you’re well on the way to giving someone a psychopath makeover.

Dutton describes a highly decorated British Special Forces soldier Andy McNab who agreed to have his brain activity compared with his. When they were both were suddenly confronted with a gruesome situation on a screen, McNab’s brain activity in this region suddenly shut down below its normal baseline, as if he had no feelings, to a level that the experimenters had never seen before. Meanwhile Dutton’s shot through the roof, like a normal person.

Dutton was then treated with TMS, which he says was a creepy feeling since it seemed like he was giving control of his brain to someone else and was acting involuntarily in response to stimuli provided by the experimenter. In some ways, it felt like the effects of drinking alcohol

The effects aren’t entirely dissimilar. An easy, airy confidence. A transcendental loosening of inhibition. The inchoate stirrings of a subjective moral swagger: the encroaching, and somehow strangely spiritual, realization that hell, who gives a shit, anyway?

There is, however, one notable exception. One glaring, unmistakable difference between this and the effects of alcohol. That’s the lack of attendant sluggishness. The enhancement of attentional acuity and sharpness. An insuperable feeling of heightened, polished awareness. Sure, my conscience certainly feels like it’s on ice, and my anxieties drowned with a half-dozen shots of transcranial magnetic Jack Daniel’s. But, at the same time, my whole way of being feels as if it’s been sumptuously spring-cleaned with light. My soul, or whatever you want to call it, immersed in a spiritual dishwasher.

So this, I think to myself, is how it feels to be a psychopath. To cruise through life knowing that no matter what you say or do, guilt, remorse, shame, pity, fear—all those familiar, everyday warning signals that might normally light up on your psychological dashboard—no longer trouble you.

After he had received the treatment, he was tested again and this time his response was even more psychopathic than McNab’s.

Friday, July 5, 2013


What else would you call them?

Somebody slips them an envelope and they 'play ball'... Betraying America at every turn.

"It's OK," they say, "The USA is a capitalist country."

What is the essence of capitalism? Everybody is out to make a buck and fuck everyone else.

"Hell, even Jesus Christ was a capitalist," they say.

What do you think?

How much longer will you give your allegiance to a bunch of lying motherfuckers?

Haven't you noticed yet that things are getting worse everyday?

What will it take to get you to act? When the police kick down your front door and drag you and your family off to Gitmo? (Or a relocation center?)

Is that what you are waiting for?

Do you believe that everything will magically fix itself, or that this is the beginning of the Apocalypse?

You need to get started organizing for survival today!

How can you do that?

You already have a 'social network'. Turn it into a 'resistance cell'. Arm yourself with knowledge. Put everyone's special skills to work. Weapons aren't as important as knowledge and imagination. You can make weapons - if you know how. But, it takes time to learn. And, it takes will power.

Are you strong enough to survive?

There's the question... In order to survive you have to be worthy of survival.

Google it! There is a wealth of information available to you on the Internet. Use it. Don't be lazy. Lazy people do not survive.

Remember: Form follows function. Make sure all your purchases are functional. Otherwise, they are useless. Don't get sucked in to buying shit that you don't need.

Make a pact with your friends that you are going to survive whatever happens. That you are going to resist tyranny, and fight for freedom. And then live up to that commitment.

The Psychopathic Army is forming... it is made up of countless cells... people like you and me. Americans who believe in America.

Make a list of the traitors. Pass it out among your circle. It will come in handy when you are under attack. Because, frankly, you can't win unless you vigorously counter-attack.

And, to survive you must win....

Friday, June 28, 2013


Uncovering the conspiracy of all time: Global Depopulation.

Yes, they are planning to kill you and your family... Your grandparents, your aunts and uncles, your cousins, your sisters and brothers, your nephews and nieces, your children and your babies... All for money.

To the corporations that run the world, people have no value. Profits are the really important consideration. Money makes the world go round. And, let's face it sports fans, you don't really have two nickels to rub together. The difference between you and the guy who is pushing the shopping cart is credit.

How much do you have left?

If you were arrested right now how long would it take you to raise $20,000 to hire a lawyer?

What is your value as a human being?

Basically, the problem is, the majority of the people have no real value, as human beings, or even as mindless slaves. They are just 'useless eaters'. Moreover, they are hastening the decline of civilization with their mindless consumption. Naturally, this cannot be allowed.

In 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower, who later warned of a “military-industrial complex”, commissioned a panel of scientists to study the issue of overpopulation.  The scientists put forth Alternatives I, II and III, advocating both the release of deadly viruses and perpetual warfare as means to decrease world population.
The first supposition dovetailed nicely with the pharmaceutical interests of the Rockefellers.  According to Nexus magazine, the Rockefellers own one-half of the US pharmaceutical industry, which would reap billions developing medicines to “battle” the deadly viruses about to be released.

In 1969 the Senate Church Committee discovered that the US Defense Department (DOD) had requested a budget of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars for a program to speed development of new viruses which target and destroy the human immune system.  DOD officials testified before Congress that they planned to produce, “a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could be acquired…  Most important is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.”  House Bill 5090 authorized the funds and MK-NAOMI was carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Out of this research came the AIDS virus which was targeted at “undesirable elements” of the population. The first AIDS viruses were administered through a massive smallpox vaccine campaign in central and southern Africa by the World Health Organization in 1977.  A year later ads appeared in major US newspapers soliciting “promiscuous gay male volunteers” to take part in a Hepatitis B vaccine study.

The program targeted male homosexuals age 20-40 in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. It was administered by the US Centers for Disease Control which, under its earlier incarnation as the US Public Health Department in Atlanta, oversaw the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on African American males.

San Francisco has been a target of numerous CIA experiments, due to its high population of left-leaning and gay citizens, which the Illuminati views as “undesirables”.  According to Dr. Eva Snead, San Francisco has one of the highest cancer rates in the country.  For years, malathion – first developed by the Nazis – was sprayed over the city by helicopters from the CIA’s Evergreen Air, whose Arizona base is used, according to author William Cooper, as CIA transshipment point for Columbian cocaine.  The mysterious Legionnaire’s Disease occurs often in San Francisco and the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control bad acid program was based there.

The intellectual force behind the introduction of AIDS was the Bilderberger Group, which became fixated on population control after WWII. Author Cooper says the Policy Committee of the Bilderbergers gave orders to DOD to introduce the AIDS virus.  The Bilderbergers are close to the Club of Rome, which was founded on a Rockefeller estate near Bellagio, Italy and is backed by the same European Black Nobility who frequent Bilderberger meetings.  A 1968 study by the Club of Rome advocated lowering the birth rate and increasing the death rate.  Club founder Dr. Aurelio Peccei made a top-secret recommendation to introduce a microbe that would attack the auto-immune system, then develop a vaccine as a prophylactic for the global elite.

One month after the 1968 Club of Rome meeting Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb. The book hints at a draconian depopulation plan in the works.  On page seventeen Ehrlich writes, “The problem could have been avoided by population control…so that a ‘death rate solution’ did not have to occur.”  A year later MK-NAOMI was born.  Peccei himself authored the Club of Rome’s much-touted Global 2000 report, which President Jimmy Carter pushed on his BCCI shakedown cruise of Africa.  Peccei wrote in the report, “Man is now vested with unprecedented, tremendous responsibilities and thrown into the role of moderator of life on the planet- including his own”.

The Bilderbergers were behind the Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy, a driving force at the State Department and administered by the National Security Council.  Pressure is applied to Third World countries to reduce their populations.  Those that do not comply see their US aid withheld or are subject to Pink Plan low-intensity war that targets civilians, especially women of child-bearing age.  In Africa famine and brush-fire wars are encouraged.  AK-47 rifles can be bought at West African markets for under $50.  The same is true in the markets of Peshawar, Pakistan.  In 1975, a year after attending a Club of Rome conference on the topic, Secretary of State Kissinger founded the Office of Population Affairs (OPA).

Latin American OPA case officer Thomas Ferguson spilled the beans on OPA’s agenda when he stated, “There is a single theme behind all our work; we must reduce population levels.  Either they do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut…Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it…The professionals aren’t interested in reducing population for humanitarian reasons…Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways to reduce population.  The quickest way to reduce population is through famine like in Africa.  We go into a country and say, here is your goddamn development plan.  Throw it out the window.  Start looking at your population…if you don’t …then you’ll have an El Salvador or an Iran, or worse, a Cambodia”.

Ferguson said of El Salvador, “To accomplish what the State Department deems adequate population control, the civil war (run by CIA) would have to be greatly expanded.  You have to pull all the males into fighting and kill significant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age females.  You are killing a small number of males and not enough fertile females to do the job…If the war went on 30-40 years, you might accomplish something.  Unfortunately, we don’t have too many instances of this to study”.

In 1961 Kennedy Administration officials McGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk, all CFR and Bilderberger members, led a study group which looked into “the problem of peace”.  The group met at Iron Mountain, a huge underground corporate nuclear shelter near Hudson, New York, where CFR think tank The Hudson Institute is located.  The bunker contains redundant offices in case of nuclear attack for Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell and JP Morgan Chase.   A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.

The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.”  The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.

The report goes on to say, “…the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until…we know exactly what we plan to put in its place…The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.”

Historian Howard Zinn described this conundrum when he wrote, “American capitalism needed international rivalry- and periodic war- to create an artificial community of interest between rich and poor, supplanting the genuine community of interest among the poor that showed itself in sporadic movements”.

The Iron Mountain gang was not the first to discover the virtues of war.  In 1909 the trustees of the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for International Peace met to discuss pre-WWI American life.  Many of the participants were members of Skull & Bones.  They concluded, “There are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people…How do we involve the United States in a war?”
The Report from Iron Mountain goes on to propose a proper role for those of the lower classes, crediting military institutions with providing “antisocial elements with an acceptable role in the social structure.  The younger and more dangerous of these hostile social groupings have been kept under control by the Selective Service System…A possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery…The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace.”

The Iron Mountain goons, though thrilled by the idea of slavery, listed as other socioeconomic substitutions for war: a comprehensive social welfare program, a giant open-ended space program aimed at unreachable targets, a permanent arms inspection regime, an omnipresent global police and peacekeeping force, massive global environmental pollution which would require a large labor pool to clean up, socially-oriented blood sports and a comprehensive eugenics program.
The Iraqi genocide fulfilled the dreams of the Club of Rome Zero Population Growth maniacs, while also providing a testing ground for two of the war substitutes proposed by the Iron Mountain fascists: an arms inspection regime and UN peacekeepers.  Both concepts gained traction in the international community thanks to the Gulf War.

Estimates of Iraqi casualties during the Gulf War are sobering.  Some organizations like Greenpeace put the death toll at near one million people.  It was a war in which the media was denied access on a scale never before seen, so casualty figures vary greatly.  According to Tony Murphy, a researcher at the International War Crimes Tribunal, the US attack on Iraq killed 125,000 civilians, while destroying 676 schools, 38 hospitals, 8 major hydroelectric dams, 11 power plants, 119 power substations and half the country’s telephone lines.  The attacks occurred mostly at night when people were most vulnerable.
In the months following the war the death rate of Iraqi children under five tripled.  Thirty-eight percent of these deaths were caused by diarrhea. Victor Filatov, a Russian journalist reporting for Sovetskaya Rossiya from post-war Baghdad wrote, “What further bloodshed do these barbarians of the 20th century need?  I thought the Americans had changed since Vietnam…but no, they never change.  They remain true to themselves.”
According to former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the US was found guilty of nineteen war crimes against Iraq before the International War Crimes Tribunal.  The US dropped 88,000 tons of bombs on Iraq during the Gulf War and has rained down countless more bombs since.  Many bombs were tipped with armor piercing depleted uranium (DU) warheads, which may account for chronic Iraqi health problems.  Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther, a German physician who came to Iraq to help its people, became gravely ill when he handled just one cigar-sized fragment from a DU warhead.  Dr. Gunther measured the tiny object’s radioactivity to be 11 microSv per hour, whereas an acceptable exposure is no more than 300 microSv per year.  Three hundred tons of DU ammunition was deployed during the war.
Many believe DU is responsible for Gulf War Syndrome, which has killed and permanently injured many US soldiers who fought in the Persian Gulf theater.  Since 2000, nearly 11,000 US Gulf War veterans have died from Gulf War Syndrome, while the Pentagon continues to cover up this travesty.

The US also tested numerous top-secret high-tech weapons systems in the Gulf theater, while utilizing some old low-frequency favorites.  When Iraqi ground forces surrendered, many of them were in a state of delirium and lethargy that could have been induced by extremely low-frequency radio waves, which the US used as a weapon as early as the Vietnam conflict.
Yale University and CIA psychiatrist Dr. Jose Delgado studied mind control for the Company during the 1950’s as part of the MK-ULTRA program.  Delgado determined, “Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact…it is even possible to create and follow intentions…By electronic stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radio command…by remote control.”

According to a military document written by Colonel Paul Valley and Major Michael Aquino titled From PSYOP to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory, the US Army used an operational weapons system “to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then to change them in accordance with US national interests”.  The technique was used to secure the surrender of 29,276 armed Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army soldiers in 1967 and 1968.  The US Navy was also heavily involved in “psychotronic” research.  Many US soldiers who served near the DMZ that divided North and South Vietnam claimed to see UFOs on a regular basis.  The Pentagon Papers revealed that an electronic barrier was placed along the DMZ by the secretive JASON Society.
Major Michael Aquino was an Army psyops specialist in Vietnam, where his unit specialized in drug-inducement, brainwashing, virus injection, brain implants, hypnosis, and use of electromagnetic fields and extremely low-frequency radio waves.  After Vietnam, Aquino moved to San Francisco and founded the Temple of Set.  Set is the ancient Egyptian name for Lucifer.  Aquino was now a senior US Military Intelligence official.  He’d been given a Top Secret security clearance on June, 9, 1981.  Less than a month later an Army intelligence memo revealed that Aquino’s Temple of Set was an off-shoot of Anton La Vey’s Church of Satan, also headquartered in San Francisco. Two other Set members were Willie Browning and Dennis Mann.  Both were Army Intelligence officers.

The Temple of Set was obsessed with military matters and political fascism.  It was especially preoccupied with the Nazi Order of the Trapezoid.  Aquino’s “official” job was history professor at Golden Gate College.  The Temple recruited the same Hells Angels who Billy Mellon Hitchcock had used to dole out his bad CIA acid.  Its members frequented prostitutes where they engaged in all manner of sadomasochistic activities.  Director of Army Counter-Intelligence Donald Press revealed that Dennis Mann was assigned to the 306 PSYOPS Battalion and that Aquino was assigned to a top secret program known as Presidio.
Presidio is also the name of a spooky complex in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which Mikhail Gorbachev reportedly frequented as the Soviet Union was falling apart.  Was Aquino part of an operation to “map the mind” of the Soviet Union’s last leader and induce him into proposing both glasnost and perestroika, the two free market policies that ultimately led to the Soviet Union’s demise?  Remember the curious mark which suddenly appeared on Gorbachev’s forehead?  Was he implanted with some sort of microchip mind-control device to make him think “in accordance with US national interests”?

Such Orwellian technology is marketed on a regular basis throughout the world.  International Healthline Corporation and others sell microchip implants in the US, Russia and Europe.  The Humane Society has adopted a policy of micro-chipping all stray pets. The State of Hawaii requires that all pets be micro-chipped.  Six thousand people in Sweden have accepted a microchip in their hand, which they use for all purchases. Trials are also underway in Japan.  In July 2002, National Public Radio reported a similar trial beginning in Seattle.  Later in 2002, after a rash of suspicious abductions of young girls, BBC reported that a British company plans to implant children with microchips so that their parents can monitor their whereabouts.
Dr. Carl Sanders, a highly acclaimed electronics engineer, revealed that a microchip project he launched to help people with severed spinal cords was taken over by Bill Colby’s Operation Phoenix in a series of meetings organized by Henry Kissinger.  Sanders says the optimal spot for a microchip implant is just below the hairline on a person’s forehead, since the device can be recharged by changes in body temperatures, which are most pronounced there.  Interestingly, this is the location of the pineal gland or Third Eye.

The 1986 Emigration Control Act grants the President the power to mandate any kind of ID he deems necessary.  Researchers at Southern California have developed a chip which mimics the hippocampus, the part of the brain that deals with memory.  Pentagon officials are interested in using it in experiments to create a “super-soldier”.  Another microchip called Brain Gate is being implanted in paralyzed people.  It allows them to control their environment by simply thinking.
In Iraq, psychological warfare gave way to slow genocide.  According to UNICEF, as of late 2001, 1.5 million Iraqi children had died as a result of sanctions, while one child in ten died before their first birthday.  Thalassemia, anemia and diarrhea were the biggest killers and could have been prevented were it not for a chronic shortage of blood and medicine in Iraq due to the sanctions.  UN Committee 661 served as arbiter of what constituted a “dual use” item and therefore banned for import into Iraq.  As of 2001, over 1,600 Iraqi contracts with Western companies for medical equipment had been blocked by 661.

The Gulf War decimated Iraq’s sewer and water treatment systems.  Iraqis were forced to drink polluted water, leading to numerous health problems.  Iraq was not allowed to import chlorine to clean the water since 661 deemed it a potential chemical weapon.  Electrical power was rationed in three-hour daily increments per household since the Iraqi government couldn’t get the parts it needed to fix its power plants after the US bombed its entire power grid.  With the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar and the ban on the export of 2.4 million barrels of oil per day, the average Iraqi lived on $2.50 a month- enough to buy a pair of shoes.  The only Iraqis not affected were the wealthy elite, who had long ago stashed their savings overseas in US dollars.
UNICEF estimates that 28% of Iraqi children no longer went to school.  Before the war almost all children attended.  Often families could only afford to send one child to school because of the cost of simple things like backpacks, shoes and notebooks.  Rafah Salam Aziz, Director of Mansour Children’s Hospital, said parents were often forced to make similar decisions about their children’s lives.  Aziz said, “Many times it’s easier for a family to let a baby die rather than let the whole family go hungry and get sick.”

In 1996 Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry announced a new military buildup in the Persian Gulf.  Soon cruise missiles were again raining down on Baghdad.  Many nations now grew weary of both US bombing and the sanctions regime, which was brutalizing the Iraqi people while strengthening the grip of Saddam Hussein.  Russian President Boris Yeltsin, whose country signed a deal with Iraq to rebuild its shattered oil sector, said he was disturbed at the use of “extreme and radical force against the Arab world”.  The Russian opposition offered a more scalding appraisal.  Alexander Lebed stating angrily, “The US is like a strong master who spits on everybody.”

Turkey, Jordan and Syria all expressed unease over the new round of bombing.  Even the Saudis, where Islamic fundamentalism was on the rise and two major bombings had occurred at US bases, now refused to allow the US to use its bases to bomb Iraq.  Many countries, including France, began openly flaunting the UN embargo against Iraq in the late 1990’s.

Dennis Halliday, former Assistant Secretary of the UN who initially headed the UN Humanitarian Program to Iraq, resigned his post in protest. He said sanctions were demolishing the very class of Iraqi people who wanted to create a better government in the country.  He was scornful of the UN Oil for Food Program under which the US received 70% of Iraqi oil.  Halliday stated plainly, “We are guilty of committing genocide, through the Security Council, against Iraq.”
Halliday’s 1998 successor was Hans Van Sponeck, who watched as the UN unfurled the UNSCOM arms inspection regime, paid for by Iraqi oil sales.  US inspector Scott Ritter confirmed Iraqi suspicions that UNSCOM was gathering intelligence for CIA and Mossad.  UNSCOM was just the latest CIA tool.  In 1996 the Iraqi government claimed international relief agencies, including the World Food Program, which claimed to be helping the Kurds, were actually CIA operatives attempting to destabilize the country.
In fact the CIA had spent more than $20 million in its support of the Iraqi National Congress, led by long-time CIA surrogate Jalal Talibani’s PKK Kurdish faction.  In January 1997 Iraq uncovered two Mossad spy rings in one month following the attempted assassination of Saddam Hussein’s son.  Hans Van Sponeck had seen enough. He too resigned in protest.
In early 1999 it was revealed that the US had used UNSCOM to plant electronic bugging devices in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense.  Arms inspector Scott Ritter said the CIA was using UNSCOM to “provoke a crisis”.  In December 1998 UNSCOM, faced with the embarrassing accusations of espionage, pulled out of Iraq.  On December 15th the US launched a new round of bombing.  Ritter says intelligence gathered by UNSCOM was used for targeting. UNSCOM spokesman David Kay resurfaced in 2003 calling for a US invasion of Iraq. He now worked for SAIC, which landed numerous Pentagon contracts to rebuild Iraq.

Seem far fetched? Google this information and see for yourself. Things are not what they seem. And, there's lots more....

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Here Comes the Army of God

Our leaders have led us to this...
They call it the 'American Dream' because you have to be sleeping to believe it...
Does anyone still believe that the Capitalist System works?
They have been tweaking it for hundreds of years, and we are experiencing the results: a crashed economy, that favors a tiny minority; an erosion of our rights; Homeland Security - we are on the road that leads to a police-state; Our social welfare system is being disassembled; Medical care is a joke, big corporations decide who lives and who dies, who gets treatment and who doesn't; Cures are prevented in the interests of making money; The people no longer trust the Government, no longer believe the media, no longer believe that the future holds promise; Our environment is polluted, our water is poisoned, our schools and libraries are closed... I could go on forever.

But, then you already know the extent of the disaster.

The question remains: Can we save America?

Do we really want to save America?

What is America, anyway?

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free.
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer:

God bless america, land that I love,
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam,
God bless america,
My home sweet home."

~ Irving Berlin

An idea? A feeling? A connection to the land?

WHAT is patriotism? Is it love of one's birthplace, the place of childhood's recollections and hopes, dreams and aspirations? Is it the place where, in childlike naivety, we would watch the fleeting clouds, and wonder why we, too, could not run so swiftly? The place where we would count the milliard glittering stars, terror-stricken lest each one "an eye should be," piercing the very depths of our little souls? Is it the place where we would listen to the music of the birds, and long to have wings to fly, even as they, to distant lands? Or the place where we would sit at mother's knee, enraptured by wonderful tales of great deeds and conquests? In short, is it love for the spot, every inch representing dear and precious recollections of a happy, joyous, and playful childhood?

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend -them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil, and danger, and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. Of the latter, we are in most danger at present. Let us therefore be aware of it. Let us contemplate our forefathers and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former for the sake of the latter. Instead of sitting down satisfied with the efforts we have already made, which is the wish of our enemies, the necessity of the times more than ever calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that "if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom!" It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our minds, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers in the event!"  ~ Samuel Adams

"The lines of red are lines of blood, nobly and unselfishly shed by men who loved the liberty of their fellowmen more than they loved their own lives and fortunes. God forbid that we should have to use the blood of America to freshen the color of the flag. But if it should ever be necessary, that flag will be colored once more, and in being colored will be glorified and purified."
~ Woodrow Wilson

"Our land is the dearer for our sacrifices. The blood of our martyrs sanctifies and enriches it. Their spirit passes into thousands of hearts. How costly is the progress of the race. It is only by the giving of life that we can have life."
~ Rev. E. J. Young

"America is the crucible of God. It is the melting pot where all the races are fusing and reforming … these are the fires of God you've come to…. Into the crucible with you all. God is making the American."
~ Israel Zangwill

How much do you love America?
How much do you love God?
Are you ready to dedicate your life and fortune to the Nation, or, will you sit on the side-lines and be an observer to its decline?

Lies can only be set right by the Truth. Freedom can only be won by dedication to the ideal. Justice can only be served by those who are resolute in its cause.

Now is the time to consider enlisting in the 'Psychopathic Army'. And becoming a soldier of God....

Thursday, June 13, 2013

LEGOS: Building a New Consciousness

Lego is a popular line of construction toys manufactured by The Lego Group, a privately held company based in Billund, Denmark. The company's flagship product, Lego, consists of colorful interlocking plastic bricks and an accompanying array of gears, mini-figures and various other parts. Lego bricks can be assembled and connected in many ways, to construct such objects as vehicles, buildings, and even working robots. Anything constructed can then be taken apart again, and the pieces used to make other objects. Lego began manufacturing interlocking toy bricks in 1949. Since then a global Lego subculture has developed, supporting movies, games, competitions, and six themed amusement parks.

Think of ideas as Lego bricks.

Lego pieces of all varieties constitute a universal system. Despite variation in the design and purpose of individual pieces over the years, each remains compatible in some way with existing pieces. Lego bricks from 1958 still interlock with those made in the current time, and Lego sets for young children are compatible with those made for teenagers.

The way you arrange the pieces is the way you perceive reality. Your arrangement of ideas defines your world-outlook... And, makes you who you are. Naturally, we don't want any soft, defeatist ideas rattling around inside our heads. This can lead to defeat, and, ultimately disaster.

The concept always must begin with simplicity. Zen like, no frills, bare bones, simplicity. It's like moving into a new house...

How to Perform a Cleaning Ritual

What if I told you that these ancient spells and rituals were really about what goes on inside your mind?

House Blessing

Over time, and for obvious commercial reasons, knowledge has been polluted with bullshit... Well, a good exercise is to sort that out. Again 'Zen simplicity'...

Obviously, we are not moving into a new home here - we are getting our mind right. All you need is your mind. Therefore, anybody who tells you you need this or that, or that you need to consult anyone, is blowing smoke up your ass.

How did psychiatry come to prominence in the post World War II world?

"Hey man, I lost all my records in the Holocaust, but I used to have a degree in psychology."

Nice little racket, and who can catch you fibbing? You just sit there and listen, and jot shit down in your notebook...

Moving “Right”: A 9-Step Commitment

Consult the oracle, pray, ask your Pastor, or simply flip over your Magic 8-ball... You are on your way, bro.

Burn some Herb

You don't want the inside of your brain to smell like somebody else's ass, do ya? Better stick a water hose in your ear, and flush all that old, useless shit out. Zen, Zen, Zen...

Bottom-line: Anybody who sells knowledge to the ignorant is a FRAUD. The ignorant can't buy knowledge (that's why college kids are so stupid), and to sell something that can't be used (or doesn't exist) is a fraud.

Home Dedication and Blessing!

The fool mistakes the trappings for reality...

So, you get the picture: Modular ideas that can be stacked a million different ways, and a clean brain... Self hypnosis, brain-washing? Yeah buddy!

Get your mind right and your ass will follow.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bad News

The economy is NOT getting any better. That means we need to start tightening our belts. Austerity? I don't think people understand what that means. Women and children sure as fuck don't. They think they can keep living like it was still the 1980s. You better stop and think...

People are still eating out. Which is a pretty dumb thing to do. People are charging food. Absolute idiocy. If you have to finance your meals you are done.

People are posting about blowing their money. Going to Vegas, buying big screen TVs, buying expensive cell phones. Or, what's worse, signing up for two year contracts. Leasing new cars. Thinking about buying a house...

You better forget that shit, or you'll wind up pushing a shopping cart with all your belongings in it.

You welfare dick-heads better wake up too. Congress has been seriously talking about doing away with welfare... Have you been asleep or something? Times are tight. And, you think you can still live high on the hog.

The Man has enough cops right now to handle your pathetic little riots. So, like sheep, you are going to do what they tell you, and quietly go to the slaughter. What do you think is going to happen when push comes to shove?

Driving around, burning up gasoline... Living it up... You don't even really have a pot to piss in. And yet you think you are a high roller because you can still afford a six pack.

I'm laughing at you because you are a dumb-fuck. Yeah, what about the Dodgers? Sit in front of the tube and shut the fuck up. You don't have any real ideas anyway. Post some lame shit about how Jesus, or God, or Obama has got your back... Maybe wishing will make it a reality. But, based on actual experience in the field, God don't give a flying fuck about you.

The only person that really loves you is your mother.

Don't worry, be happy. Smoke some dope, or get fucked up on some bathtub vodka that costs $30 a bottle. You'll be drinking the $7 shit before long. Because you are on your way down... You just haven't realized it yet.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Nobody cares what kind of deodorant you use. Nobody cares if you have a toothache, or hemorrhoids. Call out sick and you'll get fired. Because we have zero tolerance for slackers. There are plenty of people out there waiting to take your job... Mama's in the factory, she ain't got no shoes; Daddy's in the alley he's looking for food...

Hey, I know what: Why don't you play a video game?

My take is that gamers are a bunch of faggots. They just haven't got around to taking the dick yet. Don't worry, all good things come to him who waits. You'll be lolly popping that big boy before you know it...

Get into yourself... And, before you can say "Bob's your uncle", your life will be magically transformed. You are what you eat, right?

The thoughts you think (or don't think) make you who you are. That's the bad news, bro....

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Desecration of Our Ancestors

"I won't do it," he said.

"What you do or don't do is irrelevant." The voice answered.

Millions of people going to their graves as failures, forever denied the 
experience of a full human existence, their being was simply 
canceled out. The violence of the bourgeoisie's appropriation of 
the world of work becomes the structure that dominates our 
existence. As our parents die, we can say truly that their lives 
were for nothing, that the black earth is thrown down onto 
them blacks out our sky.

"But, what about all the happy moments?" He said.

"Feelings are irrelevant," said the voice.

Corporate Capitalism is not an idea and it cannot be opposed
by ideas or by ideas-driven action. There is no debate to be had
with it, it has no ideas of its own except to say that all ideas are its
own, it has no ideas intrinsic to itself.

"I disagree," he said.

"Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant," said the voice.

Corporate Capitalist society is made up of conflicting forces and it is only at
this level that it can be undone, firstly in the collapse of its own
forces and then in the revolutionary intervention of the advanced elements of the people.

"What do you mean by 'advanced elements'? he asked.

"Those whose minds have become illuminated, and who are ready and willing to seek unity with other illuminated souls and seek perfection. Not as individuals, but as members of the community." said the voice.

"What is perfection?" he asked.

As we move into this new energy, there is a Divine calling for integration. A clarion call for the realization that all things are Divine and it is through that awareness that integration emerges. Compassion is the embodiment of integration. Compassion sees the purpose of the Light and the Dark.

The Yin and the Yang.

The key to balance and peace of mind is to see all parts of your Self in Love. As we move away from old polarized models of thinking we realize that every single part of us is Divine in its own way and every single part has its Divine purpose. It is impossible to put these parts in a hierarchy saying the Dark parts are on the low end of the spectrum whilst the Light are on the top end - because the Divine Dark parts have a purpose just as significant as the Divine Light!

Our feelings of imperfection run deep and in essence highlight a deeper feeling of not wanting to reveal ourselves. We are all inherently fearful of revealing our True selves for fear of rejection. Yet we are the ones who have rejected them in the first place, which is why we assume others will do so similarly. Consequently, we find everyone trying to be 'perfect' all the time and this creates the illusion to most of us that others are 'perfect' in the definition we have formulated. And so we enter the world and are constantly trying to present our perfections to others - we find ourselves informing others of things we have accomplished or have achieved, or we try to avoid personal questions that may reveal a part of ourselves that are insecure. Heavens forbid we might be seen as insecure!

There is more to say within an individual who can express their own level of darkness and insecurity to others - for this is a projection of what is really going on. And this allows each individual to be themselves and feel empowered in their own existence. This is not to say we don't need to 'work' on ourselves, to en-light-en ourselves but it is to honor the Divine Dark for its purpose in this beautiful game. This is also not to say that there are good and bad spiritual leaders! Again more polarization. It is to say that some may serve you and others may challenge you in your thinking - but in essence all are serving you in one way or another. And this is the way to look at your life, all things serve you - just in different ways.

Integration involves seeing your past experiences as natural, which means effectively being neutral. If you are constantly trying to see yourself as perfect, with an outdated definition that this means love, light, happy - what happens when you feel otherwise? You feel like you've failed. Take the polarized mind out of the equation that desperately wants to box it into a good or bad experience and instead allow it to be just that - an experience. This will empower you. This will allow you to be you! You will discover yourself as you embrace yourself - all parts of yourself. See all the parts you usually associate with being wrong and ashamed of as being the Divine parts of your-Self. You will feel free from the shackles you have imposed upon yourself. Remember your repressed side is always being expressed - either consciously or subconsciously (through your manifestations). This is the Shadow Side. However the shadow doesn't mean all things bad about us because an individual can just as easily be repressing the good in their life and thus attract good people to reflect their shadow. Instead the shadow is the part we are not integrating. It is the Divine part of your-Self that desperately wants your attention - and love!

We must embrace our imperfection to see the perfection. Imperfection has become a dirty word, one that seems to denote a sense of wrongness. However imperfection is beautiful in a completely unique way, for it reveals the true chaotic order of the Universe. Yes there is a perfection to the way life is structured, from the way atoms revolve around each other to the way planets do the same. However, there is also an imperfection to the perfection in the way that life is a chaotic mess of creations that perfectly create the greater picture. Each person's reality chaotically blends with all others to create the greater reality.

Imperfection is the reality of the Dark Side. It is the part we love to hate. It is the bad guy of spirituality that we must learn to love! Imperfection really is our way of saying "I don't want to see, hear, feel or deal with the Dark stuff - because it's wrong". When we learn to understand that life is Light and Dark we learn what imperfection is truly about. It is simply the expression of perfection in its own way. There is no wrongness about it, for it is part of the whole. It would be like calling the Night wrong and the Day right. How can we say that?! The Night has its own different qualities that contribute to the Whole just as the Day has its own different qualities.

When you love your imperfections, you love who you truly are. Revel in your imperfection! You are imperfect. We are imperfect - and that is Perfect! Redefine what perfection means. Allow it include ALL your so-called faults. Allow Perfection to include the imperfection. Realize and recognize that ALL parts of you are Perfect.

You emanate from the same Source of Perfection as all existence - the Whole, All That Is. You cannot be anything otherwise. There is only perfection. Do you see and feel how freeing that is? You are perfection personified. Can you feel yourself being liberated? Knowing that you are allowed to be yourself? Embrace your Birthright to Be You.

"Free Yourself, Love Yourself, Be Yourself," said the voice. "Put down your weapons, lower your defenses, and embrace the community. You will be assimilated."

"I want to believe," he said....