Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Desecration of Our Ancestors

"I won't do it," he said.

"What you do or don't do is irrelevant." The voice answered.

Millions of people going to their graves as failures, forever denied the 
experience of a full human existence, their being was simply 
canceled out. The violence of the bourgeoisie's appropriation of 
the world of work becomes the structure that dominates our 
existence. As our parents die, we can say truly that their lives 
were for nothing, that the black earth is thrown down onto 
them blacks out our sky.

"But, what about all the happy moments?" He said.

"Feelings are irrelevant," said the voice.

Corporate Capitalism is not an idea and it cannot be opposed
by ideas or by ideas-driven action. There is no debate to be had
with it, it has no ideas of its own except to say that all ideas are its
own, it has no ideas intrinsic to itself.

"I disagree," he said.

"Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant," said the voice.

Corporate Capitalist society is made up of conflicting forces and it is only at
this level that it can be undone, firstly in the collapse of its own
forces and then in the revolutionary intervention of the advanced elements of the people.

"What do you mean by 'advanced elements'? he asked.

"Those whose minds have become illuminated, and who are ready and willing to seek unity with other illuminated souls and seek perfection. Not as individuals, but as members of the community." said the voice.

"What is perfection?" he asked.

As we move into this new energy, there is a Divine calling for integration. A clarion call for the realization that all things are Divine and it is through that awareness that integration emerges. Compassion is the embodiment of integration. Compassion sees the purpose of the Light and the Dark.

The Yin and the Yang.

The key to balance and peace of mind is to see all parts of your Self in Love. As we move away from old polarized models of thinking we realize that every single part of us is Divine in its own way and every single part has its Divine purpose. It is impossible to put these parts in a hierarchy saying the Dark parts are on the low end of the spectrum whilst the Light are on the top end - because the Divine Dark parts have a purpose just as significant as the Divine Light!

Our feelings of imperfection run deep and in essence highlight a deeper feeling of not wanting to reveal ourselves. We are all inherently fearful of revealing our True selves for fear of rejection. Yet we are the ones who have rejected them in the first place, which is why we assume others will do so similarly. Consequently, we find everyone trying to be 'perfect' all the time and this creates the illusion to most of us that others are 'perfect' in the definition we have formulated. And so we enter the world and are constantly trying to present our perfections to others - we find ourselves informing others of things we have accomplished or have achieved, or we try to avoid personal questions that may reveal a part of ourselves that are insecure. Heavens forbid we might be seen as insecure!

There is more to say within an individual who can express their own level of darkness and insecurity to others - for this is a projection of what is really going on. And this allows each individual to be themselves and feel empowered in their own existence. This is not to say we don't need to 'work' on ourselves, to en-light-en ourselves but it is to honor the Divine Dark for its purpose in this beautiful game. This is also not to say that there are good and bad spiritual leaders! Again more polarization. It is to say that some may serve you and others may challenge you in your thinking - but in essence all are serving you in one way or another. And this is the way to look at your life, all things serve you - just in different ways.

Integration involves seeing your past experiences as natural, which means effectively being neutral. If you are constantly trying to see yourself as perfect, with an outdated definition that this means love, light, happy - what happens when you feel otherwise? You feel like you've failed. Take the polarized mind out of the equation that desperately wants to box it into a good or bad experience and instead allow it to be just that - an experience. This will empower you. This will allow you to be you! You will discover yourself as you embrace yourself - all parts of yourself. See all the parts you usually associate with being wrong and ashamed of as being the Divine parts of your-Self. You will feel free from the shackles you have imposed upon yourself. Remember your repressed side is always being expressed - either consciously or subconsciously (through your manifestations). This is the Shadow Side. However the shadow doesn't mean all things bad about us because an individual can just as easily be repressing the good in their life and thus attract good people to reflect their shadow. Instead the shadow is the part we are not integrating. It is the Divine part of your-Self that desperately wants your attention - and love!

We must embrace our imperfection to see the perfection. Imperfection has become a dirty word, one that seems to denote a sense of wrongness. However imperfection is beautiful in a completely unique way, for it reveals the true chaotic order of the Universe. Yes there is a perfection to the way life is structured, from the way atoms revolve around each other to the way planets do the same. However, there is also an imperfection to the perfection in the way that life is a chaotic mess of creations that perfectly create the greater picture. Each person's reality chaotically blends with all others to create the greater reality.

Imperfection is the reality of the Dark Side. It is the part we love to hate. It is the bad guy of spirituality that we must learn to love! Imperfection really is our way of saying "I don't want to see, hear, feel or deal with the Dark stuff - because it's wrong". When we learn to understand that life is Light and Dark we learn what imperfection is truly about. It is simply the expression of perfection in its own way. There is no wrongness about it, for it is part of the whole. It would be like calling the Night wrong and the Day right. How can we say that?! The Night has its own different qualities that contribute to the Whole just as the Day has its own different qualities.

When you love your imperfections, you love who you truly are. Revel in your imperfection! You are imperfect. We are imperfect - and that is Perfect! Redefine what perfection means. Allow it include ALL your so-called faults. Allow Perfection to include the imperfection. Realize and recognize that ALL parts of you are Perfect.

You emanate from the same Source of Perfection as all existence - the Whole, All That Is. You cannot be anything otherwise. There is only perfection. Do you see and feel how freeing that is? You are perfection personified. Can you feel yourself being liberated? Knowing that you are allowed to be yourself? Embrace your Birthright to Be You.

"Free Yourself, Love Yourself, Be Yourself," said the voice. "Put down your weapons, lower your defenses, and embrace the community. You will be assimilated."

"I want to believe," he said....

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