Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Reflections on T-4 Euthanasia Program:
T-4 Euthanasia Program (Tiergartenstraße 4 or Aktion Tiergartenstrasse 4) was the official name of the Nazi Germany eugenics program which forcefully conducted mass sterilizations and euthanasia on Germans who were institutionalized or suffering from birth defects. In total, an estimated 200,000 people were killed as a result of the program.

Establishment and purpose
The program was established by Adolf Hitler, operated under the authority of Chief of the Führer's Chancellery Philip Bouhler and SS-Doctor Karl Brandt, and was headed by Werner Heyde and Paul Nitsche. The name T-4 derived from the address of the program's offices in Berlin.

The purpose of the program was to both lower expenses by systematically killing the institutionalized as well as preserving the genetic quality of the German population by sterilizing people with physical deformities, handicaps, or mental illnesses. Disabled children were removed from their families and taken to special hospitals. The program was later expanded to include adults, although most disabled adults were already subject to compulsory sterilization as a result of the "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring".

The Nazis characterized the killing of those deemed "useless eaters" to be "mercy killings", though the wide scope, lack of consent from either the targeted or their relatives, and the eugenic motives of the program led some contemporaries and later observers to label the deaths as simply a form of medicalized mass murder.

History of the program
Extermination was carried out at Grafeneck (beginning January 20, 1940), Hartheim (beginning May 6, 1940), Hadamar (beginning January 1941), Bernburg (beginning November 21, 1940), Brandenburg (beginning February 8, 1940) and Sonnenstein (beginning June 1940) using gas, suffocation, lethal injections, poisoning, starvation, and overdose of medication. The first experiments with mobile gas vans were performed in March 1940 in the hospital in Kochanowka near £ódŸ. The Nazis also experimented with piping carbon monoxide from truck engines into sealed chambers. Much of this extermination was supervised by the psychiatrists Carl "Hans Heinze" Sennhenn and Werner Villinger. Sennhenn provided Nazi researchers with the brains of hundreds of victims, while Villinger conducted experiments upon victims before ordering their deaths. Gas chambers were built at Hartheim to suffocate mostly adult victims with carbon monoxide even before the widespread use of such methods during The Holocaust.

By the time Hitler ordered a temporary halt to the program on August 18, 1941 due to protests from churches and relatives of the victims, 70,273 people had already been executed. However such public resistance merely slowed the program, and the killings continued under greater secrecy. Some of the personnel trained under the program later continued their trade in Nazi extermination camps.

Many of the key figures responsible for conducting the program, such as Christian Wirth and Franz Stangl, were also actively involved in developing gas chamber technology for the Holocaust and assisted in the construction of the camps at Belzec, Treblinka and Sobibór in Operation Reinhard. Aside from the well-known camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau these were the main centers of extermination by gas for millions of people.

By the end of 1941, every third inmate of psychiatric institutions in Germany had been killed under the program, whether by direct means or by starvation, resulting in about 93,000 additional deaths.

Germany's practice of euthanasia did not end in 1941. Doctors and nurses continued the practice at hospitals around Germany and Austria. Killings and intentional neglect were conducted in such a way as to minimize the suspicion of the German population; however, no such precautions were taken when exterminating people of the occupied territories. Acts of cruelty and violence there were reported and recorded.


The 'pro-life' position cannot be maintained on the basis of religion.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but the 'always pro-life' position does not come from the Bible. And, if it does not come from the Bible then it comes from Satan.

"Life is precious to God, unless it is 'conceived in sin' (a fetus conceived out of wedlock or conception happens within an ENEMY nation that does not worship him.) The Bible teaches that abortion is acceptable if God performs it or he commands it to be done through contaminated water or by violent force…"


Thou shalt not MURDER.

The Torah and Hebrew Bible made clear distinctions between the shedding of innocent blood and killing as the due consequence of a crime. A number of sins were considered to be worthy of the death penalty including murder, incest, bearing false witness on a capital charge, adultery, idolatry, etc.

For example, the Exodus narrative describes the people as having turned to idolatry with the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain receiving the law from God. When Moses came down, he commanded the Levites to take up the sword against their brothers and companions and neighbors. The Levites obeyed and killed about three thousand men who had sinned in worship of the golden calf. As a result, Moses said that the Levites had received a blessing that day at the cost of son and brother. On a separate occasion, a blasphemer was stoned to death because he blasphemed the name of the LORD with a curse.

The Hebrew Bible has many other examples of sinners being put to death as due consequence for crimes. Achan is put to death by Joshua because he caused defeat of Israel’s army by taking some of the plunder and hiding it in his tent.David ordered that an Amalekite be put to death because he claimed to have killed King Saul. In his charge to his son Solomon, King David ordered him to deal with the bloodguilt of Joab, who had murdered Abner and Amasa. Solomon ordered that Joab be killed. The biblical refrain for those justly executed as due punishment for crimes is that “their blood will be on their own heads.” This expresses the idea that those guilty of certain actions have brought the shedding of blood upon themselves, and those carrying out due punishment do not bear bloodguilt.


The Community cannot commit murder. Only individuals can commit murder. It would be a bad idea for individual citizens to take it upon themselves to eliminate nonessential elements. That would amount to anarchy.

When the State executes a criminal, we call it 'justice'.


Where to begin?
Probably, in the simplest and most obvious place: Birth Control. The surest form of birth control is sterilization. You start with condoms and oral contraceptives and work up to it. In many countries, material incentives work to encourage sterilization. You could offer the latest cell phone, or big screen flat-panel TV...

In the meantime, those convicted of capital crimes may be executed. Quickly and without fanfare... By the time anybody 'catches on' it will be too late.

Then, of course we can engineer our own T-4 Program... This can be used to 'train' personnel for expanded activities. (Should they be required.)


Start featuring Eugenics Books on the Party website.


Defective people are like weeds. Eventually, they will choke out normal human beings, and our civilization will be lost forever.


All of these alarmists, who see the Government as preparing to commit genocide on the American people, just don't get it. Write down their names. If the machinery is in place, somebody will make use of it... More than likely, that somebody will be us. It won't be a bad thing. Because we will be doing it for the greater good of the community...


The current issue of National Geographic has an article on 'genetic modification'. This is a fascinating topic. Still, we are in the very primitive stages of eugenics. We must exercise caution and restraint....

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