Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome to 2013

"I'm so broke that I just went into McDonald's and put a small fry on layaway."

It's a paradox: 

Nobody can buy shit unless they have money. So, the whole world depends on the American consumer. And, if we are broke then capitalism is fucked, because nobody will be able to afford to buy shit. Get it?

And, that includes the US Government! Over 60% of the US Budget goes to the military. For what? They (the new all volunteer armed services) can't even beat the Arabs. Yeah, lets keep pouring money down a bottomless pit... Maybe it will get better tomorrow?

Did you notice? Congress just voted themselves a healthy raise in pay. Again, for what? They haven't done a motherfucking thing.

Seriously, I would be ashamed to be a Republican. They have to be the stupidest assholes on the planet.

"Look at those Negroes and Mexicans getting free shit," they say as they rip us off for billions... It's called 'misdirection' - they get you to look somewhere else while they steal your wallet.

Yeah buddy, let's return to the past - to the Great Depression - you'll be fine sleeping in your car, and standing in a bread-line...

I have a question

What would you fight and die for?

Because that is the next question after, "What are we going to eat?"

Would you die for genetically modified food, pollution, 'Big Oil', Corporate Fascism, American Imperialism, or for three hot meals and a cot to sleep on?

Am I the only one who can see the revolution coming?

Do you really think it will be like a video game?

I have a hot flash for all you little boys who think everything is fun and games:

War is not fun or glamorous - it's about keeping your ass from getting zipped up in a rubber bag! And, no matter what your recruiter tells you, one American life is too much to pay for BULLSHIT!

And, that's the Truth!

Hungry Wolves

"I am not a wolf in sheep's clothing, I'm a wolf in wolf's clothing."
~ Ricky Gervais


A person who becomes a werewolf against his will (birth, curse, or bite) is not completely damned until he tastes of human blood. Once he does, his soul is eternally damned and nothing may redeem him. Even without tasting of human blood, however, as long as the taint lays upon the immortal soul, it cannot enter Heaven, and will remain chained to the mortal plane upon death.

Werewolf Packs

Like real wolves, werewolves can live alone for many years, yet the instinct for a pack often leads them away from their secretive lifestyle, into revealing their nature to a priest or close associate, or converting another for companionship. This is when the otherwise cagey werewolf opens himself to detection  Werewolf packs cause immense destruction. A pack consists of one werewolf who became a werewolf through sorcery, birth, or curse - in other words, his is the original tainted blood. This werewolf is called the Alpha werewolf. The remaining werewolves in the pack are called Beta werewolves because they became werewolves through the bite of the Alpha and carry the Alpha's tainted blood.

On the Road to Damascus

The scene of St. Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus has been retold many times and is symbolical of the many conversions which have been effected by the grace of the Holy Spirit from that day until the present. 

Saul set out on the road to Damascus with death in his heart. He could not know that he was about to keep a rendezvous with Life itself.

Everything he could see and hear and feel all around him underwent a change. There was a chill wind blowing at him, a blinding light shining on him from the heavens, and the roar of great waters in his ears.

In that one blinding, falling moment Saul became another man

He had seen God. And trembling before that glory, stripped naked of his intellectual pretenses, he had cried out in the hope and fear of all believers: "What must I do to be saved?"

Hot Damn!

Did you know that similar experiences befell all of the great revolutionaries of the 20th Century?

Strange coincidence, or alien mind control? 

One minute you are a 'normal' member of the flock, bleating like an 'average' sheep, and the next you are transformed into a wolf... All you need is a 'taste of blood' to ensure your damnation, and become a full-fledged killer of men...

Blow that picture up, by clicking on it, and check out the expression on Mao Tse-tung's face.

Experience is the Ultimate Teacher

“No matter how long you train someone to be brave, you never know if they are or not until something real happens.”  ~ Veronica Roth

Somewhere out there is a flying saucer, or God... When I had the experience, it was the ultimate terror. You are paralyzed with fear, day becomes night, and there is a window. It (whatever it is) waits outside. You can feel its terrible power... It is coming for your soul... You cannot resist. The Darkness swirls around you, and you know that you must resist... for, if you do not you will be obliterated.

What do you do?

I guess that depends on you. Maybe this is a test, to see if you are worthy. I do not know. All I know is I projected my ugliest self against the face in the window and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Get out of my head!"  "Ooh-rah!"



The term may have been derived from the Turkish phrase "vur ha!" translated as "strike!" or "kill them all!", which was used as a battle cry of the Ottoman Empire army and adopted as a Russian battlecry "Urrah!"

"Oorah" is also used by the Russian Ground Forces for the same purposes, though historically the cry was a genuine battle cry, shouted in unison and with a long drag on 'a' while attacking in formation. "Oorah" is a correct transliteration for "Ura" (as it would be rendered in Cyrillic), the Russian equivalent of "Hooray." Proper pronunciation of this word places emphasis on the second syllable, in contrast to the Marine Corps exclamation. It is possible that the Russian word was a loanword form of "hurrah"--there is commonality in both the placement of emphasis and the purpose of the words. The depictions of the Russian Civil War, WWII,and 19th century wars in Soviet films made the prolonged, overlapping waves of "Ooraah" a symbol of courage and defiance needed for pushing the attack forward and, by extension, a symbol of Russian infantry in general.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Shape of Things to Come

You only get what you pay for
The worst danger to businesses that sell junk is an informed consumer. Most of the stuff that is being sold by the big box retailers is obsolete junk, but the buyers have little or no knowledge about the products... They are mindless consumers, who have to get what everybody else has got. They think that everybody else is just as stupid as they are, so they don't believe what you tell them, and they are too lazy and ignorant to find out for themselves.

If you buy obsolete shit, you will have to buy it again in a few months. And, that puts the uninformed buyer squarely on the treadmill. Keep running, motherfucker, and maybe you won't notice that you aren't going anywhere.

The System is Broken
Nonetheless, it still makes lots of money... And, as long as it does, nobody is going to fix it. 

I say, "Blow it up and start over!"

What we need is a 'fresh start'... Only, this time, with different priorities. We need to put people ahead of profits. And, if you don't like people then why not fix them too. The human race has lots of room for improvement.

Years ago, people talked about 'eugenics'. You know, as in creating the 'Master Race'... Whoa, that was way too harsh for the masses to consider. So, here we are in the middle of this fucking mess.

If people got smarter, capitalism wouldn't be able to fleece them for their hard-earned money. The system benefits from creating lots of idiots, who can't find their ass with both hands. They are called 'consumers'.

The 'Service' Economy
Means, that you have to serve somebody. Sell them shit that they don't really need, and make everything so it breaks or wears out right away. Nothing can be interchangeable  otherwise parts would be cheap and they couldn't charge an arm-and-a-leg for worthless junk. 

Yeah, you be right in the lap of luxury driving a new Toyota, with a light bar and an eight-track deck with a lava lamp built in... Great googly moogly! Put some 22-inch rims on that motherfucker and you be good to go.

But, its all junk. All your Lexus/Apple shit is junk. Your Rolex/Louis Vuitton shit is junk... I'm going to ride with Chairman Mao, Adolf Hitler, and Jesse James (the real one, not the one who boned Sandra Buttocks)... 

This Train Ain't Bound For Glory
It's bound for the Abyss! Whoo hoo... hang on and, together, we'll ride it off the cliff. Don't be afraid of nothin' - 'cause nothin' really matters... it's all bullshit.

If we were actually headed somewhere, we would have 'plans' instead of conspiracy theories... Hey, they're gonna make as much money as they can, for as long as they can, and fuck everybody else...

That includes you, too, little buddy....

Friday, December 28, 2012

Black Magic

"It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways." 
~ Buddha 

Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes. In modern times, some find that the definition of "black magic" has been convoluted by people who define practices that they disapprove of as "black magic".

I'm not going to stay on the subject of The Ninth Gate forever... Even though it is 'cosmic' , the subject of transcending evil is an elementary one: Does good and evil really exist, and, if it does, how can one minimize the effects of evil in their own personal experience? What is 'good', and how come nobody has the same point of view about the nature of good and evil?

Go to and buy the fucking DVD. Then watch it three times. The first time you watch it, just watch it. The second time you watch it, ask yourself "What are all these people up to?" Why do they want to 'conjure' up the Devil? The third time, watch it from the Devil's point-of-view...

Supernatural Powers
The most obvious supernatural power is the power of the mind. Your mind is your primary weapon. All the rites and rituals are merely an attempt to control the mind, and focus more intently on the job at hand. Every undertaking can be reduced to a slogan, and, from the slogan the 'Party Line' is created...

You want 'magic' in your life? Then, be prepared to master the basics.

A Story
There was once a very Holy man, who lived in a very Spartan dwelling, in the middle of the forest. He drank pure spring water, and ate coarse and simple food. His objective in life was to purify himself so that he could bring light into the world...

One night he returned to his meager cottage to discover that he had been burglarized. What little he possessed had been stolen by a thief, that operated in the darkness...

He looked out of the window and saw the full moon, and said, "Ah, the moon is so beautiful, I wish I could give it to him."

What is the true nature of Reality?
"Life sucks, and the world is an ugly and dangerous place," some people say.
Others, "Life is beautiful, and the world is a place of constant wonder."
Who is right?
Is the true nature of Reality like stepping in wet dog shit, or is it like finding a hundred dollar bill?
Perception is reality. Life is what you make it. 

"So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you." 
~ Jesus Christ 

  1. On Evil (from the Catholic Encyclopedia)
  2. Novem Portis
  3. Library of Alexandria
  4. Omega Foundation: Notes

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Three Temptations

"If you want to know me,
ask me not how I take my tea,
but rather ask me how I wish to live,
and why I don't live as I wish to live."
~ Thomas Merton

The Sins of the Fathers Are Visited On Their Sons

Each generation has its own challenges, temptations, trials, and hardships. Usually, they all get caught in the same trap. What one sucker fell for, there are a million others waiting in line. Each of them thinks they are 'different', that they are 'special', but in the end they prove to be just another batch of clones, stamped out in the same mold. Punched out of the same genetic dough, by the cosmic cookie-cutter. And, here you are, oblivious to the ongoing drama...

"If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread" 

Do you believe in magic? Do you think God is magic? Or, even the Devil?

Not even the Almighty can operate outside of the Laws of Nature... It would be hubris, in its most extreme form, to believe that you can act otherwise. 

Remember the little baby in the cave? What was it? He is born in silence, poverty, simplicity and purity. Silence is Golden. Are you too dim-witted to follow the twists and turns of my thought?

The first principle is: To live in harmony with the Universe. That is the 'price' of admission. You cannot be a Son of God and believe that you can operate outside of the Iron Laws of Creation. Remember, God cannot be separated from Creation. The Universe is One.

By what right do you command? The Ego blocks the receptacle, no power can come through the conduit. Your power comes from the Universe acting through you, when this happens you become the Will of God.

You must find new answers to the bad choices of your people, and show them a different way of living. The worker must earn his wages...

"If you worship me, all this will be yours"

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and losses his soul in the process?

I take what I need to live. Anything more is superfluous. Possessions are chains which bind us tight. On the Golden Path we must travel light, and have complete freedom of movement.

All of the evil and ugliness in the world comes from selfish greed. All pain and suffering comes from the ego. All this is dust in the wind. An illusion. You can never possess the world, but, if you are lucky, you can learn to live in it...

Remember how they 'catchee monkey'. They put a banana inside the cage, and when the monkey grabs a hold of it he will not let go. He wants that Goddamned banana, he's got it right in the palm of his hand... or, does the banana have him?

"If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here"

Yeah buddy, just do some really fucking stupid shit and see what happens... Pull the pin on a grenade and stuff it down your pants. See if Legions of Angels will come to save your ass. But, don't bet on it. The Universe doesn't suffer fools.

Remember those 'Iron Laws'? Well, gravity is one of them. Mess with the bull and you're gonna get the horn...

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes the game gets rained out. Mistakes are OK, as long as they don't kill you. But, you have to find the courage to move on, and seek different solutions.

“Get away from me Satan, I'm looking for something else!”

A Satanic Riddle

Ref: The Ninth Gate

[speaking of the engravings in 'The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows']" They form a kind of satanic riddle. Correctly interpreted with the aid of the original text and sufficient inside information, they are reputed to conjure up the Prince of Darkness in person." ~ Boris Balkan

Yin and Yang
The problem is obvious, and can be solved by simple analysis... As can all problems.

Male and female did he create them. This and that. Different and inter-connecting parts. The penis and the vagina, boys and girls... THINK! Everything that humans do is based on sexual pairing, and copious amounts of semen. Riddles concerning the 'Divine' cannot be solved unless you include SEX...

Which came first the sperm or the egg? Who came first the man or the woman?

Totality demands that we include BOTH genders.

You want to solve the riddle? I give you new riddles! Questions are always answered with other questions. The God of Israel is sexually frustrated. That's his major malfunction.

Yours is that you are a biological computer, easily crashed by an overdose of hormones. There's your 'free will'. And THERE is also the source of your major malfunction.

God forbid that you touch yourself 'down there'. That is the path that leads to insanity. Naturally, the Abrahamic religions must make ordinances against human sexuality. It is a 'dirty' business, and we should all be ashamed...

The human weakness is that we are ALL prisoners of the flesh.

Silence is Golden
Only one who has battled according to the rules will prevail. The problem is, there are no rules. There are only the laws of the Universe. (Or Nature, if you prefer.) Nor is there 'duality', that is a man-created thing.

Hear O Israel, the Lord is One.”

The final outcome will be either material or spiritual – will bring good fortune or bad luck – depending one which path is taken. However, be mindful of the truth, namely, that God can never be divided from his creation. The Universe is One.

If you walk the correct path, the Golden Path, you will be met with new and challenging adventures with an assurance of cooperation from others whom you may require help.

All other paths lead to the Abyss...

Lucifer is the Trickster
Pain and suffering is the quickest way to Reality. Otherwise, we can and will argue about 'Truth' forever. Discussion is a vice. Pretty soon talking is all you are able to do... You become paralyzed, and fail to act at the critical moment. After the smoke clears, they will find your dead body, with a puzzled expression on your face.

Genghis Kahn summed it up, “The fool prepares while the wise man eats.”

Mental masturbation is the curse of modern humanity. We need to train ourselves to act, immediately and decisively. Because when the shit comes down there is no second chance.

In life, opportunity only knocks once...

Buy The Ninth Gate at

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Ninth Gate

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
~ Dr. Seuss

Once upon a time
If I told you that life used to be different, would you believe me?

Different in what way?” you ask.

Well, for starters, people used to have way more imagination than they do now. I mean, we didn't have TV like you do today. Where everything is spoon-fed to you like so much pablum. We listened to the radio, and since there were no pictures we had to invent them with our minds. We decided what the characters looked like, what they wore, and what their mannerisms were. We listened to the scripts and were our own directors.

Reading is also good for the imagination...

Nowadays, almost nothing is left to the imagination. We demand to see it. “Show it to me,” we shout, “I want to see it!”

But, once we've seen it, we realize that it's not as pretty, as the other images in our minds. 

Especially, the ones that come from fantasy...

There is always a zit on the most perfect ass. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Perfection, as it were, only exists in our imagination. Reality is a motherfucker.

Young boys fantasies
When you are a child your fantasies are based on becoming an adult.

I was lucky that my mother used to read to me. It opened a world of fantasy, that would've otherwise been closed to me. Miss Lamar, my third grade teacher, also read to me. Stories from the Old Testament about the wandering, and murderous, children of Israel... God's chosen people... Raping and pillaging... Mercilessly killing their enemies... Oh God, how stimulating to the imagination!

We Europeans had knights, lords and ladies, kings who won their kingdoms with the sword. Wanderers and crusaders who went forth to do battle against the foes of Christendom... The heathens and savages, barbarian hordes, and Satan-worshiping infidels. We killed people, just like the ancient Hebrews, but it was OK because we had God on our side.

God wanted us to kill. Because survival of the tribe is more important than morality. You fight because that's the way it is... there is no choice. You cannot refuse the call of duty.

All of this was very obvious in the post-World War II world. Now that the Germans and the Japanese had been laid to rest, We were faced with the 'Red Menace', and the 'Cold War'. We could be obliterated in the blink of an eye by the detonation of nuclear weapons. And, everybody knew it. We practiced crawling under our desks at school. “Duck and cover!” the teacher would shout... “Watch out for flying glass and falling ceiling beams.”

It was possible to survive a nuclear attack. To prove it the Government dropped atomic bombs on our own troops in New Mexico... All you had to do was put on your sunglasses and find a fucking hole... We knew that if our soldiers could survive being at ground zero, then we could also survive... Of course, nobody knew about cancer in those days...

Everyone believed that cancer was hereditary. We were told to stay away from sick people, “It might be contagious,” they told us. Still, cancer was pretty rare. The only person I ever knew that had it was old man Howe, and we just figured it was God's punishment because he was such an asshole.

A young boy needs heroes. Something to aspire to. Otherwise he will have no direction in his life. (Especially if he doesn't have a father.)

Uncle Ho
Meanwhile, across the globe, thousands of miles from the United States, a guy named Ho Chi Minh is kicking the Jap ass... In a tiny little country that nobody has ever heard of.

"When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking. "
~ Albert Einstein

There are forces at work in the world that are so powerful that they cannot be stopped by any ordinary means. These forces are the work of God. Of course, the rich and the powerful do not believe in God – they just use him as a club to beat the downtrodden masses into submission!

So, at first, they laugh. And, then they send out the 'flying monkeys'... trying to capture Dorothy and her dog... The wicked witch looks into her crystal ball, and thinks that she can see the future. But, nobody can predict their own demise. And, that includes the Japanese, the French, and the Americans.

In God we trust,” they say, “All others must pay cash.”

Some people are willing to pay in blood; for they actually believe what they say, and when they say, “I'm going to kick your fucking ass,” they aren't bullshitting around. They are going to kick your fucking ass!

You may laugh, and think that this guy is just a little crazy. What he says is absurd. How can some little mouse eat a tiger? It's really simple: the tiny little mouse has got his 'mojo' working.

And, you don't.

Learning magic from the Grand Wizard
Some people have to learn the hard way. They wind up starring at you with cold, unseeing eyes. Dead man's eyes. The first time I saw death, it was a face lying in the dirt. It looked like a rubber Halloween mask. A .45 caliber round will blow your face right off your skull. Death looks surreal... it has a strange beauty all of its own, a hypnotic beauty.

My mother was a whore. Moreover, all women are whores. Even the Virgin Mary.

My father was a fool. Moreover all men are fools. Even Solomon.

The smart guy? Why he's a Jew. But nobody is going to believe that. We believe that everyone is the same. Even when we know its bullshit. We like to idolize people, put them on pedestals, and pretend their shit don't stink. “Shit is shit,” we say.

Is it?

Maybe you need to do an experiment?

And, find out how different are the various aromas of shit... their coloration (The sum of the beliefs or principles of a person, group, or institution.), texture (The distinctive physical composition or structure of something, especially with respect to the size, shape, and arrangement of its parts: the texture of sandy soil; the texture of cooked fish.)

Ah, boys and girls, this is why I love science....  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012

The other day, Justin and Eric suggested that I publish my thoughts in the form of a blog.
Because they think what I say is funny and entertaining... and, I suppose, that it follows from this concept that 'entertainment' is somehow useful in a gray world. Ha, ha, ha (We'll see about that).
Personally, I believe that ideas are more dangerous than bullets.
"Ideas are more dangerous than bullets." ~ Mike X
So, if I can put an idea in your head, or generate a meme...
Well, as long as you are amused, it won't do you any harm. Think of it as a gift from me to you.

Let's take a moment to reflect on Christmas

The story goes: In a land far away, there was a young virgin who was simple and pure, and, therefore, pleasing in the eyes of God. So he sent an Angel to plant a child in her womb. This child was to be the vessel for God Himself to walk in the world in human form. And, leave the message of 'Salvation' to mankind.

The maiden's name was 'Mary' (and the wind whispers, "Mary...")

Among Mary's people, unwanted teen pregnancy was a serious offense. So serious that they stoned people to death for this kind of shit. Well, there was this guy named, "Joseph", who had his eye on young Mary. He (so the story goes) took pity on Mary and married her, claiming that he was the father of the baby. But, everybody knows, the real father of the baby was God Almighty.

The name of the baby was "Jesus". (See

OK, you want to be entertained, then read this: Christmas and the Language of God.

I wish everyone of you a joyous Christmas. 
May you find peace and contentment in what you have and who you love!