Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Shape of Things to Come

You only get what you pay for
The worst danger to businesses that sell junk is an informed consumer. Most of the stuff that is being sold by the big box retailers is obsolete junk, but the buyers have little or no knowledge about the products... They are mindless consumers, who have to get what everybody else has got. They think that everybody else is just as stupid as they are, so they don't believe what you tell them, and they are too lazy and ignorant to find out for themselves.

If you buy obsolete shit, you will have to buy it again in a few months. And, that puts the uninformed buyer squarely on the treadmill. Keep running, motherfucker, and maybe you won't notice that you aren't going anywhere.

The System is Broken
Nonetheless, it still makes lots of money... And, as long as it does, nobody is going to fix it. 

I say, "Blow it up and start over!"

What we need is a 'fresh start'... Only, this time, with different priorities. We need to put people ahead of profits. And, if you don't like people then why not fix them too. The human race has lots of room for improvement.

Years ago, people talked about 'eugenics'. You know, as in creating the 'Master Race'... Whoa, that was way too harsh for the masses to consider. So, here we are in the middle of this fucking mess.

If people got smarter, capitalism wouldn't be able to fleece them for their hard-earned money. The system benefits from creating lots of idiots, who can't find their ass with both hands. They are called 'consumers'.

The 'Service' Economy
Means, that you have to serve somebody. Sell them shit that they don't really need, and make everything so it breaks or wears out right away. Nothing can be interchangeable  otherwise parts would be cheap and they couldn't charge an arm-and-a-leg for worthless junk. 

Yeah, you be right in the lap of luxury driving a new Toyota, with a light bar and an eight-track deck with a lava lamp built in... Great googly moogly! Put some 22-inch rims on that motherfucker and you be good to go.

But, its all junk. All your Lexus/Apple shit is junk. Your Rolex/Louis Vuitton shit is junk... I'm going to ride with Chairman Mao, Adolf Hitler, and Jesse James (the real one, not the one who boned Sandra Buttocks)... 

This Train Ain't Bound For Glory
It's bound for the Abyss! Whoo hoo... hang on and, together, we'll ride it off the cliff. Don't be afraid of nothin' - 'cause nothin' really matters... it's all bullshit.

If we were actually headed somewhere, we would have 'plans' instead of conspiracy theories... Hey, they're gonna make as much money as they can, for as long as they can, and fuck everybody else...

That includes you, too, little buddy....

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