Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012

The other day, Justin and Eric suggested that I publish my thoughts in the form of a blog.
Because they think what I say is funny and entertaining... and, I suppose, that it follows from this concept that 'entertainment' is somehow useful in a gray world. Ha, ha, ha (We'll see about that).
Personally, I believe that ideas are more dangerous than bullets.
"Ideas are more dangerous than bullets." ~ Mike X
So, if I can put an idea in your head, or generate a meme...
Well, as long as you are amused, it won't do you any harm. Think of it as a gift from me to you.

Let's take a moment to reflect on Christmas

The story goes: In a land far away, there was a young virgin who was simple and pure, and, therefore, pleasing in the eyes of God. So he sent an Angel to plant a child in her womb. This child was to be the vessel for God Himself to walk in the world in human form. And, leave the message of 'Salvation' to mankind.

The maiden's name was 'Mary' (and the wind whispers, "Mary...")

Among Mary's people, unwanted teen pregnancy was a serious offense. So serious that they stoned people to death for this kind of shit. Well, there was this guy named, "Joseph", who had his eye on young Mary. He (so the story goes) took pity on Mary and married her, claiming that he was the father of the baby. But, everybody knows, the real father of the baby was God Almighty.

The name of the baby was "Jesus". (See

OK, you want to be entertained, then read this: Christmas and the Language of God.

I wish everyone of you a joyous Christmas. 
May you find peace and contentment in what you have and who you love!

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