Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Satanic Riddle

Ref: The Ninth Gate

[speaking of the engravings in 'The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows']" They form a kind of satanic riddle. Correctly interpreted with the aid of the original text and sufficient inside information, they are reputed to conjure up the Prince of Darkness in person." ~ Boris Balkan

Yin and Yang
The problem is obvious, and can be solved by simple analysis... As can all problems.

Male and female did he create them. This and that. Different and inter-connecting parts. The penis and the vagina, boys and girls... THINK! Everything that humans do is based on sexual pairing, and copious amounts of semen. Riddles concerning the 'Divine' cannot be solved unless you include SEX...

Which came first the sperm or the egg? Who came first the man or the woman?

Totality demands that we include BOTH genders.

You want to solve the riddle? I give you new riddles! Questions are always answered with other questions. The God of Israel is sexually frustrated. That's his major malfunction.

Yours is that you are a biological computer, easily crashed by an overdose of hormones. There's your 'free will'. And THERE is also the source of your major malfunction.

God forbid that you touch yourself 'down there'. That is the path that leads to insanity. Naturally, the Abrahamic religions must make ordinances against human sexuality. It is a 'dirty' business, and we should all be ashamed...

The human weakness is that we are ALL prisoners of the flesh.

Silence is Golden
Only one who has battled according to the rules will prevail. The problem is, there are no rules. There are only the laws of the Universe. (Or Nature, if you prefer.) Nor is there 'duality', that is a man-created thing.

Hear O Israel, the Lord is One.”

The final outcome will be either material or spiritual – will bring good fortune or bad luck – depending one which path is taken. However, be mindful of the truth, namely, that God can never be divided from his creation. The Universe is One.

If you walk the correct path, the Golden Path, you will be met with new and challenging adventures with an assurance of cooperation from others whom you may require help.

All other paths lead to the Abyss...

Lucifer is the Trickster
Pain and suffering is the quickest way to Reality. Otherwise, we can and will argue about 'Truth' forever. Discussion is a vice. Pretty soon talking is all you are able to do... You become paralyzed, and fail to act at the critical moment. After the smoke clears, they will find your dead body, with a puzzled expression on your face.

Genghis Kahn summed it up, “The fool prepares while the wise man eats.”

Mental masturbation is the curse of modern humanity. We need to train ourselves to act, immediately and decisively. Because when the shit comes down there is no second chance.

In life, opportunity only knocks once...

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