Thursday, February 28, 2013

Study hard and make progress everyday.

You have to evolve. Adapt, improvise and overcome. Study hard and make progress everyday. Because if you don't move forward you will be eaten alive by what's coming behind you. And, baby, it's coming, and it is VERY hungry.

The majority is lost in Limbo. They do not have a clue. Or a chance. That's not our business. That is THEIR business. They put their money down on a number, and took their chances. Just like everybody else. In life, there are winners and losers. If you go to Vegas, you will see the big casinos. These were bought and paid for by the losers. That is their ultimate function: to lose everything so that someone else might win.

It is most unfortunate. 

We (you and I) must harden ourselves to the plight of the losers. The masses are asses. Plain and simple. Their function is to be meat on somebody's table. They have been born and bred to be wage-slaves and consumers. Imported to serve the Masters. To breed more slaves, and keep the cycle going.

That is the way the System is designed.

There is really no way to get around it.

It would be futile to try to educate a person who is brain-dead. For such a one we use slogans, and cliches. Because they cannot grasp anything more complicated than that. For the most part, they cannot see what you see, they cannot feel what you feel, they cannot hear what you hear, and, they will NEVER be able to comprehend what is going on in the world. They have been made brain-dead on purpose.

Somehow, you have escaped this programming. But, there is no guarantee how long you will survive all by yourself in this world. Tick-tock, the clock is ticking. It is only a matter of time before you are swallowed up. UNLESS you can find, and unite with, others who are awakened.

In the meantime, be nice to the brain-dead minions of the Evil Ones. Try to remain cheerful and optimistic. And, work hard at becoming more than you already are. You must continue to evolve at all costs. Because, if you don't keep moving forward you are dead-meat.

Get all the skills you can to SURVIVE. Because, very shortly, you are going to need them.

And, that's the God's-honest Truth! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Who Do You Want To Be?

The secret of the whole transformation process, is to be who you want to be NOW!

There is nothing to wait for. No sequence of events, or the 'right' opportunity. This is it. This is the 'magic' moment. The time is right now.

So, are you who you want to be, and, is this the life you want to live?

If not, it's time to regroup, and figure how you are going to pull it off. You might want to get a composition book for this, or some other kind of notebook. You could even use a web page, or a blog, for your notebook.

The thing to remember is: This is for YOU and nobody else.

Another thing to remember is: you are going to butt squarely up against REALITY. And, Reality is a motherfucker. So, be alert and stay alive!

The good news is: You can do pretty much anything that you want to do, as long as you keep a low-profile, don't do anything too crazy, and don't break any 'major' laws. The more risks that you take, the more dangerous your life is going to be. Be sensible.

The next question is: What is the meaning of Life?

To survive and perpetuate the species. And, to be as happy as possible, along the way.

If there is a 'Divine Scheme' I sure as fuck don't see it. God's Plan is pretty much like an experiment to see what happens. You create all kinds of different life forms and see which one survives. If he picked one life form as his 'chosen' people it probably was the Dinosaurs. They ran the world for a very long time, before the big meteor shower.

Survival and continued evolution of the species is the main thing. There are no rules. Religion and philosophy are both fine and dandy. But the Truth is: WHATEVER WORKS. Nothing else really matters. The proof is in the pudding.

You have to learn to adapt, improvise and overcome. Because the name of the game is: Survival of the fittest. (Fittest = the most flexible.) The 'Truth' is universal, and, the test is whether it works in any and all situations and under all circumstances.

Continued evolution will eventually produce the New Man. Nietzsche called him the 'Superman'. And, the New Man shall be the inheritor and the meaning of the Earth. The 'old' man will become superfluous and obsolete.

You may want to keep this in mind while you create the 'perfect' identity.

You may also want to keep in mind that identities are masks...

Whatever mask you choose to wear, select one that depicts who you are and what you want to be. Project that image into the world and be happy.

For you, that will become the meaning of your life....

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Credo

I am the first man - the continuum does not exist!

There is no continuous nonspatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct or distinguishable from adjacent parts - that is a myth! Each part of history is distinct and distinguishable from the rest.

Those who tell lies become trapped in them. That is why the Truth will always triumph. Like ants
trapped in amber, the liar has less and less room to maneuver. Gradually, his theories shall be
exposed as nonsense.

When the blind lead the blind, both of them will end up falling into a ditch.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

“Tell me about the sunrise, my brother.”

The blind will never understand the beauty of the sunrise. It is possible for them to experience it
through senses other than sight. But they can never understand the true meaning of the visual
effect. They live in a world of darkness. A world without light.

I am the new man. I owe nothing to you or anyone else. I see the world through my own eyes.
Illuminated by my own mind. I do not subscribe to the theories of the past. I have theories of my
own. I have subscribed to no moral code or social contract.

Moreover, I do not share your superstitions and prejudices.

I am my own authority.

You talk about ‘race’ and ‘culture’, as if it had some meaning to me. You speak of ‘tradition’, as if
it were important.

You are a member of a herd of swine that has been possessed by an evil spirit.

I am the first of a new evolution and you are the last of the old one. Clinging to life with what little
strength you possess. Don’t you comprehend that Nature has passed a verdict on your kind?

You have been found deficient and have been marked as obsolete.

I will not shed a tear for the old. It was not worthy of the Future. Therefore, it will not be able to
enter into the ‘promised land’. If you could see it, with your own eyes, it would be self-evident.

But, you are blind, and oblivious to what shall come to pass.

History has no meaning to me. I shall make my own history.

I have no parents; I make the Heavens and the Earth my parents.

I have no home; I make the Community my home.

I have no divine power; I make honesty my Divine Power.

I have no means; I make being Humble my means.

I have no magic power; I make personality my Magic Power.

I have neither life nor death; I make Awareness my Life and Death.

I have no body; I make the Aryadahr my Body.

I have no eyes; I make The Flash of Lightning my eyes.

I have no ears; I make Sensibility (the ability to feel and react to something)
my Ears.

I have no limbs; I make Promptitude (quickness of decision and action) my Limbs.

I have no laws; I make self-protection my Law.

I have no strategy; I make the Golden Path my Strategy.

I have no designs; I make Seizing the Opportunity of the Moment my Design.

I have no miracles; I make Righteousness my Miracle.

I have no principles; I make Adaptability to all circumstances my Principle.

I have no tactics; I make Emptiness and Fullness my Tactics.

I have no talent; I make Ready Wit my Talent.

I have no friends; I make my Mind my Friend.

I have no enemy; I make Incautiousness (forgetting or ignoring possible danger) my Enemy.

I have no armor; I make Benevolence (good will) my Armor.

I have no castle; I make Immovable Mind (Excessive zeal; fanaticism) my Castle.

I have no sword; I make EsLi my Sword.

The Source is my father; the Earth is my mother (Mother Nature).

The Fellowship is my home.

Purity is my Divine Power," My strength is more than that of ten, because my heart is pure."
(The Honesty of Innocence.)

Wealth is not a measure of how much money you have, but whether or not you can live within
your means. If you cannot then you are, obviously, poor. Being humble is: Near the ground; not
high or lofty; not pretentious or magnificent; unpretending; unassuming; as, a "humble cottage ."

A good personality gives one power over others that even a "magician" must envy.

Live in the Now. If you are dead, that means all brain functions have ceased so, you'll never really
know it. If you are alive then be aware and savor every moment of it.

To become One with the Aryadahr (the Noble Gate or Golden Path) would give one a very
formidable body indeed. But to accomplish this the ego must first be transcended.

In the forest, in the blackness of night, the split second illumination of the lightning can reveal the
path to the discerning eye. Especially where the memory of the illumination can be held in the mind.

I am illuminated, I can see the path.

This is my Credo.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Brain Salad Surgery

The brain becomes connected to things to the point where it can no longer think. Call it the 'dysfunctional brain'.  Thoughts travel down the same ingrained paths, and come to useless conclusions. Because, as every child knows: It is dangerous to think. So dangerous, in fact, that the majority have given up on thinking altogether.

The cure is a bullet to the brain-pan. And, if bullets become too expensive, strangulation would be a less costly alternative. Just choke the fuck out of the stupid, retarded motherfucker, and be done with it.

Idiots all have one thing in common: they have a deep-seated urge to share their idiocy with others. Ready always to turn up the volume when they think they are not being heard.

A society with a large number of mentally defective people is not going anywhere. Especially if that society is a democracy...

There is no 'voice of reason' in a democracy. Only the babbling of countless, drooling apes. Therefore, as a system of government, democracy is the least effective. You can only have a democracy where people are equal. In our society, people are NOT equal!

Anyway, what we really have is a Republic. The People's Republic of the United States of America. (Soon to be, the dis-united states.) In a Republic someone else does your thinking for you. It makes it a lot easier that way. All you have to do is sit back and watch the results on the news.

The problem is, the people who have been doing our thinking for us are not very bright. Lately, they have been fucking up a lot. Which leads me to believe that the 'experiment' has failed. When government is a dismal failure the only sensible thing to do is to get rid of it. Non-violently is good, but violently is better, because it is more dramatic.

When you take dramatic action people sit up and take notice.

"Hey, these guys are not fooling around," the people will say.

Why should we 'fool around' when our survival is at stake?

The retards don't get it. Everything is NOT cool. The nation is coming apart at the seams. The question is, How long can we wait before we do something about it?

As we have all seen, it only takes one percent of the people to run things. Sure, the 99% can gather together nice big crowds. But, they lack AUDACITY. In other words, they don't have the'balls' to make any changes to the established order of things. That's why revolutions always get high-jacked by the 'militant minority'.

Bottom-line: the militant minority is who you want to be. This group actually believes in something - even if it is wrong! Like Herman Goering said, "It is better to shoot and miss then not to have shot at all." Meaning, DO SOMETHING!

The masses are waiting to be told what to think...

And, that's the Truth!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Decline of America

Nobody seems to notice what is going on... And, the few who do are flooding the 'information super-highway' with conspiracy theories... So many, in fact, that whatever kernel of truth they might possess is obscured by the sheer mass of information.

K.I.S.S. - keep it simple stupid!

Survival is always the main issue:

What do we need to survive? As a people and a nation? As individual citizens of that nation? As human beings?

Water and food, clothing,  and shelter. Without which we would die.

A healthy and safe environment in which to live and raise our children.

A purpose in life, and hope for the future. Without which life would be unbearable.

An identity, so that we do not have to face reality alone.

Rules and regulations, so that we have some idea of our rights and responsibilities as citizens.

A Philosophy of Life, so that we know what it means to be human beings, and our place in the scheme of things.

When it comes to survival, no one else can do it for us. We cannot be apathetic - we must actively participate! Any issue which affects our survival is of paramount importance. We cannot ignore important issues. We must become 'active'. The alternative is extinction...

When we come together as a community, we must make a commitment to do everything in our power to make that community work. We cannot 'hedge our bets' by holding anything back. Otherwise that community will fail. We cannot condone those who break the 'rules', or put their own interests ahead of the 'common good', if we do, we undermine the whole idea of a community. And, the whole edifice of civilization will come crashing down.

In our society, every citizen is (supposedly) equal under the Law. Each citizen has the same rights and responsibilities. Without responsibilities there can be no rights. Those who fail to live up to their obligations as citizens are corrupt. (In philosophical, theological, or moral discussions, corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal.) Corruption cannot be tolerated because it weakens the bonds of community. It destroys the foundations of society.

What is happening to our country, and to the world?

Corruption has become so common-place that the majority accept it with a 'wink and a nod.' The rich bribe our politicians, and everybody knows politicians are corrupt. Everybody knows the game is fixed. We all know the sins of our neighbors, and we look the other way. We know the big corporations are ripping off the government and the people, and we accept it as something we cannot change. We know that OJ Simpson is guilty of murder, and Kobe is a rapist... We cheat on our taxes and try to buy things for the cheapest price... even when we know that somebody has to pay for all this shit... But, as long as that somebody is not us then it's OK... We know a poor person doesn't have the same chance at a 'fair trial' as a rich person; that the cops don't pull people over who drive limousines..." It's none of our business," people say.

So, here we are. Watching the United States go down the tubes. Because we were too fucking lazy to do our job as citizens. To stop all these assholes from chipping away at the foundations of our society, a little-at-a-time.

Yeah, let's get all excited about some bullshit sports event, a new movie or video game... Let's watch Doctor Phil and Oprah, and see how fucked up everybody is. Let's drink bottled water because we don't trust the shit that comes out of the tap. And, let's stand idly by while the Me-mes destroy our country and the environment. "It's OK as long as I get mine!"

You better wake the fuck up, Homie!  If America goes down then you go down too!

And, that's the Truth!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blow Up the World

When I started blogging, my intent was to share experiences and focus upon key issues which have us all in their clutches. Hence, I chose the name: THE PLAIN TRUTH.

"What is Truth?" The most famous question in history, uttered by the man who executed 'God'... 

In 26 A.D. the Roman Emperor Tiberius appointed Pontius Pilate prefect of the Roman provinces of Judaea, Samaria and Idumæa, although Pilate is best known for his leadership of Judaea. While the typical term for a Roman prefect was 1–3 years, Pilate was to hold his post as the fifth Roman procurator for 10 years. In assuming his position, Pontius Pilate succeeded Valerius Gratus.

As a Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate was granted the power of a supreme judge, which meant that he had the sole authority to order a criminal’s execution. His duties as a prefect included such mundane tasks as tax collection and managing construction projects. But, perhaps his most crucial responsibility was that of maintaining law and order. Pontius Pilate attempted to do so by any means necessarily. What he couldn’t negotiate he is said to have accomplished through brute force.

As governor of Judaea, Pontius Pilate faced a conflict of interests between the Roman Empire and the Sanhedrin Jewish council. When Jesus declared himself King of the Jews, it was considered an act of treason by the Roman government. According to some sources, Pontius Pilate collaborated with Jewish leaders—who viewed Jesus's claim to power as a political threat—in prosecuting Jesus. In the Gospel accounts of The Trial of Jesus, Philo and Joseph described Pontius Pilate as having been cruel and unfair. All four of the Gospels describe him as weakly succumbing to the Jewish authorities’ pressure on him to execute Jesus. The Gospels indicate Pontius Pilate’s indecision, citing that he conceded to letting Jesus go at one stage of the trial, but later rescinded the offer.

Of the Gospels, only Matthew 27:19 describes Pontius Pilate as refusing involvement in Jesus's crucifixion: So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves." (ESV)

Since according to the rules of the Roman Empire, calling oneself king was grounds for treason, Pontius Pilate ordered that the initials INRI be inscribed on Jesus's tomb after the crucifixion. In Latin, INRI stood for Jesus's name and his title of king of the Jews. Some believe the title was meant derisively, to mock Jesus for his lofty claim.

The Plain Truth is: The Masters make the rules for the wise men and the fools!

Whatever we do in life, be it good or bad, we are not in control. If we behave ourselves, and do as we are told, we may get a certificate, or a medal, or even a promotion... And, if we really bury our faces in the buttocks of our Masters, we'll get to go to Heaven, and hang out with all the billions who have been sacrificed on the altar of profit and loss...

All my life, I have hoped for something better than the same old bullshit. I really believe that humanity is capable of achieving so much more. And yet, I see the same shit happening over-and-over, and no one seems to be the wiser, or to even care. 

My friends all say, "Nothing can happen until humanity changes."

I wonder: How will that happen? 

To find the cure we need to understand the disease. I think that all of the great minds, that the world has produced, have put the problem in the spotlight... Selfish greed, hatred, the "If I can't have it, I'll fuck it up so nobody else can have it either" mentality, fear, moronic stupidity, arrogance,  neurotic self-importance - all of these generated by the EGO! 

The 'love of money' (for what?). The need to be perceived as more important than anyone else, as more worthy in the eyes of God and Man... THERE ARE EIGHT BILLION PEOPLE on this planet - just who the fuck are you?

We could solve our problems if it were not for this mass mental illness. We could feed the hungry, cure the sick, educate the young, and make a decent life for everyone. But, this EVIL stands in our way, blocks our path, obstructs progress, and keeps humanity face down in the muck, with a boot on its neck. It murders the innocent, and sucks the life's blood out of the workers - and does it with impunity!

OK, maybe every one of us is crazy - maybe I am crazy too! So, if we can't make a difference, and we can't change the way things are, then let's blow it all up! Let's put an end to all the pain and suffering - one way or the other - either by world Revolution or by world Destruction. 

The choice is yours.

And, that's the Truth!