The brain becomes connected to things to the point where it can no longer think. Call it the 'dysfunctional brain'. Thoughts travel down the same ingrained paths, and come to useless conclusions. Because, as every child knows: It is dangerous to think. So dangerous, in fact, that the majority have given up on thinking altogether.
The cure is a bullet to the brain-pan. And, if bullets become too expensive, strangulation would be a less costly alternative. Just choke the fuck out of the stupid, retarded motherfucker, and be done with it.
Idiots all have one thing in common: they have a deep-seated urge to share their idiocy with others. Ready always to turn up the volume when they think they are not being heard.
A society with a large number of mentally defective people is not going anywhere. Especially if that society is a democracy...
There is no 'voice of reason' in a democracy. Only the babbling of countless, drooling apes. Therefore, as a system of government, democracy is the least effective. You can only have a democracy where people are equal. In our society, people are NOT equal!
Anyway, what we really have is a Republic. The People's Republic of the United States of America. (Soon to be, the dis-united states.) In a Republic someone else does your thinking for you. It makes it a lot easier that way. All you have to do is sit back and watch the results on the news.
The problem is, the people who have been doing our thinking for us are not very bright. Lately, they have been fucking up a lot. Which leads me to believe that the 'experiment' has failed. When government is a dismal failure the only sensible thing to do is to get rid of it. Non-violently is good, but violently is better, because it is more dramatic.
When you take dramatic action people sit up and take notice.
"Hey, these guys are not fooling around," the people will say.
Why should we 'fool around' when our survival is at stake?
The retards don't get it. Everything is NOT cool. The nation is coming apart at the seams. The question is, How long can we wait before we do something about it?
As we have all seen, it only takes one percent of the people to run things. Sure, the 99% can gather together nice big crowds. But, they lack AUDACITY. In other words, they don't have the'balls' to make any changes to the established order of things. That's why revolutions always get high-jacked by the 'militant minority'.
Bottom-line: the militant minority is who you want to be. This group actually believes in something - even if it is wrong! Like Herman Goering said, "It is better to shoot and miss then not to have shot at all." Meaning, DO SOMETHING!
The masses are waiting to be told what to think...
And, that's the Truth!
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