Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blow Up the World

When I started blogging, my intent was to share experiences and focus upon key issues which have us all in their clutches. Hence, I chose the name: THE PLAIN TRUTH.

"What is Truth?" The most famous question in history, uttered by the man who executed 'God'... 

In 26 A.D. the Roman Emperor Tiberius appointed Pontius Pilate prefect of the Roman provinces of Judaea, Samaria and Idumæa, although Pilate is best known for his leadership of Judaea. While the typical term for a Roman prefect was 1–3 years, Pilate was to hold his post as the fifth Roman procurator for 10 years. In assuming his position, Pontius Pilate succeeded Valerius Gratus.

As a Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate was granted the power of a supreme judge, which meant that he had the sole authority to order a criminal’s execution. His duties as a prefect included such mundane tasks as tax collection and managing construction projects. But, perhaps his most crucial responsibility was that of maintaining law and order. Pontius Pilate attempted to do so by any means necessarily. What he couldn’t negotiate he is said to have accomplished through brute force.

As governor of Judaea, Pontius Pilate faced a conflict of interests between the Roman Empire and the Sanhedrin Jewish council. When Jesus declared himself King of the Jews, it was considered an act of treason by the Roman government. According to some sources, Pontius Pilate collaborated with Jewish leaders—who viewed Jesus's claim to power as a political threat—in prosecuting Jesus. In the Gospel accounts of The Trial of Jesus, Philo and Joseph described Pontius Pilate as having been cruel and unfair. All four of the Gospels describe him as weakly succumbing to the Jewish authorities’ pressure on him to execute Jesus. The Gospels indicate Pontius Pilate’s indecision, citing that he conceded to letting Jesus go at one stage of the trial, but later rescinded the offer.

Of the Gospels, only Matthew 27:19 describes Pontius Pilate as refusing involvement in Jesus's crucifixion: So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves." (ESV)

Since according to the rules of the Roman Empire, calling oneself king was grounds for treason, Pontius Pilate ordered that the initials INRI be inscribed on Jesus's tomb after the crucifixion. In Latin, INRI stood for Jesus's name and his title of king of the Jews. Some believe the title was meant derisively, to mock Jesus for his lofty claim.

The Plain Truth is: The Masters make the rules for the wise men and the fools!

Whatever we do in life, be it good or bad, we are not in control. If we behave ourselves, and do as we are told, we may get a certificate, or a medal, or even a promotion... And, if we really bury our faces in the buttocks of our Masters, we'll get to go to Heaven, and hang out with all the billions who have been sacrificed on the altar of profit and loss...

All my life, I have hoped for something better than the same old bullshit. I really believe that humanity is capable of achieving so much more. And yet, I see the same shit happening over-and-over, and no one seems to be the wiser, or to even care. 

My friends all say, "Nothing can happen until humanity changes."

I wonder: How will that happen? 

To find the cure we need to understand the disease. I think that all of the great minds, that the world has produced, have put the problem in the spotlight... Selfish greed, hatred, the "If I can't have it, I'll fuck it up so nobody else can have it either" mentality, fear, moronic stupidity, arrogance,  neurotic self-importance - all of these generated by the EGO! 

The 'love of money' (for what?). The need to be perceived as more important than anyone else, as more worthy in the eyes of God and Man... THERE ARE EIGHT BILLION PEOPLE on this planet - just who the fuck are you?

We could solve our problems if it were not for this mass mental illness. We could feed the hungry, cure the sick, educate the young, and make a decent life for everyone. But, this EVIL stands in our way, blocks our path, obstructs progress, and keeps humanity face down in the muck, with a boot on its neck. It murders the innocent, and sucks the life's blood out of the workers - and does it with impunity!

OK, maybe every one of us is crazy - maybe I am crazy too! So, if we can't make a difference, and we can't change the way things are, then let's blow it all up! Let's put an end to all the pain and suffering - one way or the other - either by world Revolution or by world Destruction. 

The choice is yours.

And, that's the Truth!

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