Thursday, February 28, 2013

Study hard and make progress everyday.

You have to evolve. Adapt, improvise and overcome. Study hard and make progress everyday. Because if you don't move forward you will be eaten alive by what's coming behind you. And, baby, it's coming, and it is VERY hungry.

The majority is lost in Limbo. They do not have a clue. Or a chance. That's not our business. That is THEIR business. They put their money down on a number, and took their chances. Just like everybody else. In life, there are winners and losers. If you go to Vegas, you will see the big casinos. These were bought and paid for by the losers. That is their ultimate function: to lose everything so that someone else might win.

It is most unfortunate. 

We (you and I) must harden ourselves to the plight of the losers. The masses are asses. Plain and simple. Their function is to be meat on somebody's table. They have been born and bred to be wage-slaves and consumers. Imported to serve the Masters. To breed more slaves, and keep the cycle going.

That is the way the System is designed.

There is really no way to get around it.

It would be futile to try to educate a person who is brain-dead. For such a one we use slogans, and cliches. Because they cannot grasp anything more complicated than that. For the most part, they cannot see what you see, they cannot feel what you feel, they cannot hear what you hear, and, they will NEVER be able to comprehend what is going on in the world. They have been made brain-dead on purpose.

Somehow, you have escaped this programming. But, there is no guarantee how long you will survive all by yourself in this world. Tick-tock, the clock is ticking. It is only a matter of time before you are swallowed up. UNLESS you can find, and unite with, others who are awakened.

In the meantime, be nice to the brain-dead minions of the Evil Ones. Try to remain cheerful and optimistic. And, work hard at becoming more than you already are. You must continue to evolve at all costs. Because, if you don't keep moving forward you are dead-meat.

Get all the skills you can to SURVIVE. Because, very shortly, you are going to need them.

And, that's the God's-honest Truth! 

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