Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Decline of America

Nobody seems to notice what is going on... And, the few who do are flooding the 'information super-highway' with conspiracy theories... So many, in fact, that whatever kernel of truth they might possess is obscured by the sheer mass of information.

K.I.S.S. - keep it simple stupid!

Survival is always the main issue:

What do we need to survive? As a people and a nation? As individual citizens of that nation? As human beings?

Water and food, clothing,  and shelter. Without which we would die.

A healthy and safe environment in which to live and raise our children.

A purpose in life, and hope for the future. Without which life would be unbearable.

An identity, so that we do not have to face reality alone.

Rules and regulations, so that we have some idea of our rights and responsibilities as citizens.

A Philosophy of Life, so that we know what it means to be human beings, and our place in the scheme of things.

When it comes to survival, no one else can do it for us. We cannot be apathetic - we must actively participate! Any issue which affects our survival is of paramount importance. We cannot ignore important issues. We must become 'active'. The alternative is extinction...

When we come together as a community, we must make a commitment to do everything in our power to make that community work. We cannot 'hedge our bets' by holding anything back. Otherwise that community will fail. We cannot condone those who break the 'rules', or put their own interests ahead of the 'common good', if we do, we undermine the whole idea of a community. And, the whole edifice of civilization will come crashing down.

In our society, every citizen is (supposedly) equal under the Law. Each citizen has the same rights and responsibilities. Without responsibilities there can be no rights. Those who fail to live up to their obligations as citizens are corrupt. (In philosophical, theological, or moral discussions, corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal.) Corruption cannot be tolerated because it weakens the bonds of community. It destroys the foundations of society.

What is happening to our country, and to the world?

Corruption has become so common-place that the majority accept it with a 'wink and a nod.' The rich bribe our politicians, and everybody knows politicians are corrupt. Everybody knows the game is fixed. We all know the sins of our neighbors, and we look the other way. We know the big corporations are ripping off the government and the people, and we accept it as something we cannot change. We know that OJ Simpson is guilty of murder, and Kobe is a rapist... We cheat on our taxes and try to buy things for the cheapest price... even when we know that somebody has to pay for all this shit... But, as long as that somebody is not us then it's OK... We know a poor person doesn't have the same chance at a 'fair trial' as a rich person; that the cops don't pull people over who drive limousines..." It's none of our business," people say.

So, here we are. Watching the United States go down the tubes. Because we were too fucking lazy to do our job as citizens. To stop all these assholes from chipping away at the foundations of our society, a little-at-a-time.

Yeah, let's get all excited about some bullshit sports event, a new movie or video game... Let's watch Doctor Phil and Oprah, and see how fucked up everybody is. Let's drink bottled water because we don't trust the shit that comes out of the tap. And, let's stand idly by while the Me-mes destroy our country and the environment. "It's OK as long as I get mine!"

You better wake the fuck up, Homie!  If America goes down then you go down too!

And, that's the Truth!

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