"Id like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees and snow-white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms and keep it company
I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills "Ah, peace throughout the land"
~ Coca-Cola Bottling Company
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides... There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might salute it."
~ Attributed to President Barak Obama
I like the song, "Sweet Virginia" by the Rolling Stones. "Time to scrape the shit right off your shoes..."
Some might say: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world was like 'It's a Small World' at Disneyland?"
You gotta be kidding me? That kind of a world would be Hell... I could hardly stand going on the ride at Disneyland. Who thought that shit up, Space Aliens?
So, right here we have the problem in a nutshell: You are going to have to drag me, kicking and screaming, into your Brave New World.
"The deeper message here is that rural, older, white America occupies one land; younger, urban, increasingly non-white America lives in another -- and the dividing line on social issues (not just guns, but abortion, equal marriage rights, and immigration reform) runs between the two." ~ Robert Reich
I guess I will represent 'rural, older, white America'... It is who I am.
Back in the 1950s the United States of America was a damn fine country. After 63 years of 'Progress' I can no longer make that statement. Life in 'modern' America sucks. In case nobody noticed, we are heading toward Corporate Feudalism and Slavery. The 'land of opportunity' is no more...
So let's talk about these 'key issues'. There is no 'dividing line'. That is pure rhetoric. We are all getting fucked by the system.
What do Americans want?
Clean air, pure water, wholesome food, a decent place to live, a good job, and an opportunity to have a better life.
We voted for Obama because we thought he was 'in tune' with what we wanted, and, because he promised Health Care.
These assholes always campaign one way, and as soon as they get in office they do whatever the fuck they want. They think that we are stupid, and that we voted with them because we agree with their bullshit ideologies.
I don't want war with Iran, North Korea, or anybody else.
I think our actions in the world are deplorable.
I don't want a state religion. I think religion and politics should be separate. If you want to worship Sponge Bob, go head on... Who I worship is my business.
I don't think 'gun control' is wise or necessary. Imagine if the pioneers would've had gun control? This would be a completely different world, and the USA wouldn't be in it. History and science teaches us that without the ability to protect ourselves we become food on somebody else's table.
Abortion? That's a medical procedure. That should be between you and your doctor. As far as I am concerned, life starts when you are born and have a paper to prove it. All this bleeding-heart crap about the 'right to life' is mindless twaddle. There are too many fucking people in the world already.
Equal marriage rights? Give it a rest, already. You want to suck a dick or take it up the ass, that's your business. I don't care, as long as you don't fuck with little children. Personally, I think marriage is an obsolete institution. What queers want is society's seal of approval. They want everybody to say, "We are proud of you for being a sexual pervert." It ain't going to happen. Sex is for the reproduction of the species. Period! Marriage, on the other hand, is to nurture the children. Get it?
Immigration reform? If we have jobs enough for Americans who want to work; If we require specialized workers; or, even a wider selection of sexual partners... I'm OK with immigration. But, if you aren't willing to give 100% to be an American; if you don't put America first; if you don't want to learn our language and customs - Then stay the fuck home. We have enough shit-heads already.
See how easy it is to dispatch all these bullshit issues?
Now, let's talk about Freedom, Democracy, and Social Justice: The big issue is, how to get money out of politics. How to break the strangle-hold that Corporate Capitalism has on our Government and our politics.
Corporations aren't people! They shouldn't have any say in our society, other than what they have as INDIVIDUAL Americans. That, right there, is the key issue. That is what we should be talking about.
Corporations want to make as much money as they can, and, after they turn this country into a big shit-hole they will relocate somewhere else. They don't care about America, or Americans.
And, that is the Truth!
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