Friday, April 26, 2013

The Road to Progress

It would seem that the forces of evil are once again forcing the United States (and the world) into a depression. Consequently, if the people don't want to starve they had better start organizing. The place to start is organizing a REAL American Worker's Party.

I don't see any other way. 

We pin our hopes on the two-party system. But, both parties are working for the same people (The 1% who control this country). In other words: in the two-party system we get fucked no matter which way we turn. It's time to get off our collective ass and start fighting for what's right!

We all are absorbed in our own self-interest. That's how they (the 1%) control us. By keeping us divided against each other. We have to reject this division and focus on what is important for the common good. America First! And, we have to realize that greed and selfishness are destroying this country and the world.

Conservatives want everything to remain the way it used to be. But, it can never be the way it used to be. These are new times. And, everyday the world changes more and more. It is important that we focus on the horizon (the Future), and quit day-dreaming about the past. Otherwise, we are going to have a head-on collision with the present.

When you are driving your car you look ahead, rather than right down at the road in front of you... If you are driving in the fog you cannot see what lies ahead. You have to reduce your speed, according to how far you can see ahead. It's time we got out of the fog, and start seeing what is really going on, what lies ahead for this nation of ours... Then, and only then, can we increase our speed and begin to make real progress.

Therefore, 'illumination' is the first thing that we need. We need to turn on the spotlight and see what obstacles lie ahead on the 'road to progress'. Then, we need to remove those obstacles from our path...

We cannot navigate with old maps. That's one of the reasons why GPS is replacing maps. Because it can be constantly updated... The same thing goes for our politics. Our politics must be constantly updated to reflect the changes in our society and the world.

In the words of the Genghis Kahn: "The fool prepares while the wise man eats."

There is a time and place for theory, and there is a time and place for action. If theory is never translated into action then it is worthless!

Do something positive!

It is better to remove the obstacles from your path, than it is to read about 'road building'...

And, that's the Truth!

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