Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tales of the Swastika

Well, it's just as I suspected, everything is turning to shit. The mob is still sitting in front of the TV scratching their heads, and their asses. No help will come from this quarter. Let the Enemy push them into the Abyss. At least we can agree with them that the vast majority are 'useless eaters'. Neither the present society, or the one we are trying to create, has any use for them. They are superfluous.

Now, we are hearing about 'civil war' and 'economic collapse' - even from the optimists! It is very disturbing. What is even more disturbing is that everyday life seems to be getting harder. As mathematics starts to come into play, we can expect an acceleration of the deterioration of our society.

An interesting publication: Unrestricted Warfare - read it and weep!

Can our organizing efforts keep pace with the collapse of Western Society? 

Only time will tell. One thing is for sure: it will be a fight to the finish.

Just stick your head in the sand, and ignore the whole thing. Maybe it will all go away?

Or, you can start throwing up 'signs' that say, "Wolverines". 

So, which 'Red Dawn' film is better? I kind of liked them both, for different reasons. The only problem is: the Enemy is not North Korea, or Russia, or China, or Iran - the Enemy is within!

The real Enemy is the Ego. Greed, selfishness, pride, ignorance, materialism... all that shit that we love so much! America is killing itself! We are our own worst enemy.

Where will it stop?

It has to stop with the individual. You have to reach the point where you say, "Fuck all this shit!"

It's just not worth it to sell your soul for things that just turn into junk, sooner or later. Even good looking women get ugly. Watches stop ticking, Cars are on their way to the junk yard. Houses in nice neighborhoods turn into shacks in the ghetto. Toys break. And, computers, cell phones, and the rest of that 'electronic garbage' will all end up in the trash. None of this shit is worth selling your soul for.

Video games, TV shows, movies, and even books, are all just forms of mental masturbation... None of them are real. Nothing is real anymore. But don't worry, it is going to get real soon enough. So real, in fact, that you probably won't be able to stand it.

Happy days!

Challenges are what make real people. What does not kill you will make you stronger. Experience will make you wiser. Pain and suffering purifies the soul. No reason to worry. Be heroic and everything will be alright. 

"A coward dies a hundred deaths - a hero dies but one!"

And, that my friends is the God's-honest Truth!

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