Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ministry of Truth

The Internet, yeah, that's the place to gather all kinds of information...
Only, a lot of that information is depressing and/or boring. Even the stuff that should be exciting only rates a weak, "Blah."

So, the Government is planning to make war on its own citizens... isn't it always making plans to go to war with everybody? Iran, China, North Korea? Seems like there's a 'plan' for dealing with everybody. Only, the Government can't find its ass with both hands. So, it never deals with anything - until it is too late.

What about New York? Yeah, we know its a police-state. Who wants to visit New York anyway? Maybe it was cool in years gone by... because we thought New York was someplace special... But, there are no special places left any more.

Let's look at all the knee-jerk issues:

Homosexual marriage? Marriage is obsolete. It's a stupid idea whose time is over. So, now 'queers' want to get married to each other? Who gives a flying fuck. The only reason to get married is that a wife can't testify against her husband. But, even that idea is obsolete. Everybody is a rat nowadays.

Gun Control? What exactly does that mean? Is that like hitting the toilet when you take a piss? Yeah, let's get the guns out of the hands of crazy people. Why do we need crazy people in society anyway? Why not just get rid of crazy people? How do we know the cops aren't crazy people? Has anybody ever done a study?

Women's Liberation? From what, the tyranny of the vagina? Do you really want your mother to go fight a war? Or your sister? Or your wife? Yeah, you can sit at home and watch it on TV. Equal pay? Does anybody get equal pay? Wake up and smell the bullshit - we are ALL slaves, and in need of liberation! Why not just get rid of the sexes? Make babies in test tubes... sex is boring, can't we come up with something new?

Racial equality? Just go to Walmart and observe the races... It is a journey of enlightenment. People so stupid they have to open the boxes and look inside because they don't believe the picture on the boxes. Let's put a whole bunch of meat in our basket and then leave it around the store, because we changed our minds... then Walmart throws it away and charges the other customers for it. Equality? As what, shop-lifters? Maybe as welfare recipients? How long has it been since civil rights? Fifty, sixty years? Nothing has changed. Stupid people are still stupid, and assholes are still assholes.

Genetically modified food? You want to eat don't you? Sure it causes lots of health problems, but, at least, you won't have to go hungry while you're dying of cancer. Just because you're getting free food from the Government doesn't mean that everybody else is. So, they grow new life forms to eat? You like meat don't you? Just grill it! Who knows, maybe super giant insects would be tasty? "Soylent Green is made out of people!"

Global warming? It's just a theory, like evolution. The weather has always been like this. It's normal for it to snow in Florida in the Spring. And, anyway, humanity will just have to adapt to 165 degree summers. Maybe grow thicker skin, or something. That's what evolution is all about, isn't it?

Peak oil? Come on, there's plenty of oil. We just have to drill for it. I mean, driving your car is a God-given right, and so is cheap gasoline. All this talk about running out of oil is just to raise the price of gasoline and fuel oil. If the big oil companies can't take care of our needs then the Government should 'nationalize' them, and give us all free gasoline.

Environmental pollution? They said smog would go away if we sent all of our industries to China. What happened? There is still pollution. Some people say there is even more pollution than before. What if pollution is caused by people farting? That would explain the increase. There are more people who eat beans than there were before, right? I think we may be onto something here...

Voter rights? Jesus, only 15% of the population votes in an election. So, it's obvious that nobody really cares about voting. Why not make the process more difficult? If people really want to vote they should have to work for the privilege. Otherwise, they'll just vote for something stupid. We've got Congress to represent us, so what's the big deal about voting?

Rising crime rate? The reason for rising the crime rate is that we have more laws than we used to. Every year 1500 to 2000 new laws are passed in the State Legislature alone. Come on, that's too many laws. We need to go the other way and get rid of laws instead of pass new ones. Lots of them are stupid anyway. The Government should mind their own business and let people do what they want. Think about this: If bank robbery weren't illegal there wouldn't be any bank robbers....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Put Your Money On A Long Shot 5

American Civil War? Economic Collapse? Revolution? Resistance?

A bunch of friends, getting together for a little fun. Maybe a pot-luck dinner, you know, where everybody brings something and everybody shares...

"But I'll throw you one better if you've got the nerve
Let's race all the way
To Dead Man's Curve..."

If there is to be a collapse, replete with martial law, violence in the streets, corporate fascism, concentration camps, and even genocide... If the shit hits the fan, where everything spins wildly out of control, and, the people are disorganized, confused and afraid. There are some basic steps that must be taken to ensure the survival of what we lovingly call 'American Democracy'.

1.- Remember that your mind is your primary weapon. Victory or defeat will happen first in your mind. That's why psychological warfare is one of the most important weapons in any military arsenal. If the Enemy can put the seed of defeat in your mind the battle will be already won. Therefore, we all need to be positive and optimistic. And be on guard against negativity and pessimism.

2.- Lead, follow, or get out of the way. You are either with the struggle for freedom or against it - there is no 'fence' to sit on! When the crisis comes the time for discussing the 'finer points' is over. The time for action is at hand. There is nothing to discuss. You either fight for freedom or you perish.

3.- Those who fight for freedom are the 'good guys'. Those who fight on the side of tyranny are the 'bad guys'. It's that simple. There are no varying shades of good and evil - you are either on one side or the other! Those who endorse evil, those who support it, those who cooperate with it, who tolerate it... These people are traitors, and must be dealt with accordingly."So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth." Because thou art lukewarm - Irresolute and undecided. The middle-of-the-road position is the worst kind of hypocrisy there is. The 'divide' between good and evil consists of those who believe in American ideals and follow them, love them, obey them, and those who reject them. That is the line of division today.

4.- Free your mind from fear. The Enemy is adept at projecting the image of power. He is like the scene in the Wizard of OZ, where there is a big scary green face on the screen, and the voice says, "I am the great and powerful..."
Only, don't pay any attention to that scrawny pencil-neck behind the curtain. Don't be fooled by the illusion of power. The Enemy is weak and vulnerable. He can and will be defeated.

5.- You are not alone. The people of this country are basically good natured, honest, and kind. In the end, the American people will triumph.

Can we still hope for a peaceful resolution of society's problems?

I don't know. I would like to think that we can. In spite of the fact that there are so many indications that this cannot and will not happen. From all the reports, the Government is preparing for war against the people. When and where it will begin is unknown.

If the economic situation does not improve, and Republicans achieve the significant cuts to vital social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and food stamps that they have been pushing for, the United States will indeed be on the brink of violence. A populace without jobs or social services is an angry, desperate one.

The 'reds' will be the 'first wave', the 'spearhead' of the revolution. It's what the reds do best... 'agit-prop'... let them do their thing. We must encourage the reds: "Don't chicken out you pencil-neck Che Guevaras! Your hour has finally come - Go for it!"

The 'establishment'? They will attack, they will escalate the violence... violence and repression lead to counter-violence. It's a self-stoking cycle... one thing always leads to the other... This is good, because it exposes the true nature of the Corporate Capitalist System.

More than likely, people of color will be the 'second wave'... Watermelon and fried chicken, followed by burritos and enchiladas... a smorgasbord of revolutionary delights... This is also good.

We must also encourage people of color: "You are slaves, both historically and pragmatically, you have been brought to the United States to work for the 'man' for substandard wages... when, pray tell, are you going to act like men and throw off the yoke of slavery? Don't 'punk out' - this is your moment to prove that you are really men - if you let it pass you will be 'punks' forever!"

The third wave will be the anarchists, the fence-sitters, the local gun club militias, tax resistors and libertarians... Along with the survivors of the first two waves... by now they will have experience and an intense hatred of the System... there will be no prisoners... it will be dangerous to wear a suit and tie or drive around in a limo.

We must definitely encourage the 'third wave': "This is it motherfuckers, shit or get off the pot! Your very existence is dependent on your ability to fight against the System!"

We are the 'fourth wave'... "The Secret of Battle is to show no mercy!"

Does everyone have their 'death list' ready?

Heinrich Himmler had a great idea: If someone is a coward or traitor it must be genetic, right? So, why not eliminate that person's whole clan and get rid of the genes that cause cowardice and treason? (And, throw in his dog or cat for good measure.) LOL, you gotta love the Nazis - they were so 'practical'!

Bottom-line: Place your bet on the American worker. That is one tough sonofabitch. And, nobody has ever beat the American worker yet.

'Long-shot' or 'sure thing'?

I'll let you be the judge of that....

Monday, March 25, 2013

Put Your Money On A Long Shot 4

Maybe my thinking is wrong? I am not concerned with preserving the 'status quo'. I don't believe that the System is working. I don't believe that it ever worked. I can plainly see where it is going, and I am not thrilled by the prospects.

All of the Right-wingers want to live in the past. They hate the present and what America has become. I don't blame them for hating the System. However, I do not want to return to the past. The past stifled creativity. It was selfish and meaningless. That's how it brought us to where we are in the present.

Today - and, everything you hate about it - is a direct result of the past!

All these terrorists, that we are fighting today, were created by the United States. We used to call them 'freedom fighters'. We only have 'friends' when it suits us. As long as they help us achieve our objectives they are 'good old boys', and when they pursue their own they become our enemies.

Which objectives are most important?

The ones that serve the interests of Corporate Capitalism!

The wealthy and powerful don't give a fuck about your 'Constitutional Rights'. All they care about is a bigger return on their investments. And, a 'free ride' as far as taxes go. To them the American people mean absolutely nothing. They can bring in more foreigners to replace them anytime they want. Foreigners who are 'lean' and 'hungry', and who are ready and willing to do the bidding of the 1%.

Why would any American Worker, in his right mind, support a system like this?

And, the Left-wingers, OMFG, they are a pathetic bunch of dreamers, and lambs, ready for the slaughter. As we go down the list of things that the 'progressives' want, we see one thing after another that is counter-productive.

Let's take an across-the-board raise in the minimum wage... AS soon as you mention it prices go up; as soon as you write the Bill, they go up again; and, when you finally pass it, up they go again. Inflation cancels out any gains that raising the minimum wage would bring to working Americans. And, those living on fixed incomes have just become poorer. What's the point?

How about a ban on guns?

As soon as the debate starts, gun sales begin to go through the roof. Everyone wants to get some 'protection' before its too late. Gun shows are packed with Americans who, like lemmings, are following their neighbors down to the sea.

"Wow, gun sales have quadrupled," the guy on the News channel says.

"They are coming to take our guns," the right-wingers say.

Everybody puts in their two-cents... And, the excitement mounts.

Guess what?

It's all bullshit. The US Constitution gives people the right to own guns. Not to hunt or protect their homes, but to overthrow the Government if need be.

So, now, you dumb-asses have doubled the number of guns in our society. And, have succeeded in driving up the prices of guns and ammo. Thereby, making the rich even richer. Nice work.

That's what I call 'counter-productive'!

Basically, you can't turn to the right, or the left, for answers. They've BOTH got their heads stuffed so far up their asses that they can't even see daylight.

We need to get a goddamned big broom and sweep all these assholes out of politics!

The idea SHOULD BE to promote what is good for America. Not what YOU or I want. And, to eliminate those things that are counter-productive.

Starting with the BULLSHIT!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Put Your Money On A Long Shot 3

Now that you have watched the video, and read the report, you can get a glimpse into what the Future will most likely have in store for humanity. And, to fuel the fires of the imagination, there are countless web-sites that are devoted to various 'conspiracy theories', to make things more interesting.

The economy is slowly collapsing. Trust in the political leadership of the 'establishment' has been seriously eroded. The majority of Americans believe that all politicians are crooks. But, still they are gullible enough to believe that there is someone out there who can save us, and restore things to the way they used to be.

Friends, it's not going to happen.

At best, the lifestyles of the rich and famous can be prolonged for a few more years. At the expense of the poor, the elderly, and the children, who will be sacrificed to preserve the status quo for a little while longer... We are passed 'peak oil', so now the 'Law of Diminishing Returns' will take effect. Since our economy is tied to the petro-chemical industry, it will continue to decline. There will be shortages of consumer goods. And, even food and water.

The Middle Class will be wiped out altogether. And, the gulf between rich and poor will widen. The poor will be reduced to slavery. Living conditions will decline severely. As will the 'Rights of Man'. 'Freedom' and 'Democracy' will be just words describing antiquated ideas from another age, and will have no meaning for the people of the future.

Machines will continue to take jobs away from humans. And, only the wealthy will be able to educate their children, or afford medical care. Police and private security will be everywhere. Mainly, to protect the interests of the Corporate Capitalists. Crime will be on the rise. And, prices for ordinary goods will be astronomical.

Welcome to the New World Order!

Those in power will use that power to maintain and tighten control.

Back in the 1960s people were more liberal and generous. Nowadays, they have become heartless. There are undoubtedly more secret reports in circulation. And, they are not as nice as the one we have just read. I have heard they are planning to eliminate upwards to 95% of the world's population.And, enslave the rest.

What do you think are your chances of surviving the New World Order?

A better question: What do you propose to do about it?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Put Your Money On A Long Shot 2

Are you still with me?

I don't really believe there are very many of you that can hang... My opinion of modern Americans is very low. Fat, lazy and extremely stupid, sums it up. So, I am not expecting everyone to get what I'm saying here. And, that brings us to another question: Who gets to run things in the New Society?

Obviously, in any society, it's the people who are interested, and who really care, that will be calling the shots. The rest will be expected to shut their mouths, get in line, and do their jobs.

How will we know who is interested, and really cares?

They will be 'Party Members'. The representatives of the People. Those who do not care enough to join the 'Party' can continue watching TV and playing video games. They can watch sports, and soap operas, etc. But, they can no longer be allowed to dabble in politics. And, it goes without saying, those who oppose the Party will be crushed.

Hey, its going to happen anyway. You can see the clouds of totalitarianism gathering on the horizon... So, the big question is not: What kind of government do you want, but, Where are we going? What kind of world do we want to live in?

Your 'assignment' was to watch "The Most Important Video You'll Ever See".

Now that you have done so, you understand what the future holds for humanity, with mathematical certainty. There is no escaping the crunch of numbers. The possibilities for the future have been narrowed down. And, the courses of action have become limited. Extremely limited.

Do you even care?

If you don't, then what follows doesn't really concern you. If you do, then let us explore a few options...

Report From Iron Mountain

Download this pdf file, and read it. Keeping in mind that these were the results of a 1967 Think Tank. No doubt, there are many more up-dated versions which we cannot view because they have been classified 'Top Secret'.

Nonetheless, this report will be the basis for tomorrow's blog.

Happy reading....

Put Your Money On A Long Shot

I watched "Benito-the Rise and Fall of Mussolini" (Il giovane Mussolini) on Netflix, staring Antonio Banderas... Interesting film, nicely done.

The question arises: How come the reviewers saw a completely different movie than I did?

Can people be so brainwashed that they can only see what they are told to see?

How does this 'mass hypnotism' shit work, anyway?

Both Fascism and National Socialism are 'spiritual' movements. They go beyond dollars and cents, and entries on a ledger. They are 'mystical' movements that seek to connect the adherent to the 'Ultimate Reality'.

Socialism, Communism and Capitalism are the work of vulgar accountants, party hacks, and idealistic dreamers. Where they succeed in gaining power is where men's hearts are filled with the spirit that drives humanity onward and upward. Where they fail is at the point where the pencil-pushers - the bureaucrats - assume control of the apparatus of party and state.

The Ultimate Reality of materialism is the festering sore, the starving child, and the dung heap. Nothing romantic about 'book-keeping'. Nothing exciting about being a banker or a stock broker. You don't see people lining up to give their lives to the cause of selling insurance, or used cars.

Dreamers dream magnificent dreams. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could have a decent job; one that enabled one to have a family, feed and clothe them, and put a roof over their heads? Wouldn't it be nice if we all lived in little pink houses, with white picket fences? Wouldn't it be great if we all could have a car? Or, at least reliable public transportation? If the water was safe to drink, and the air was safe to breathe? If the food was wholesome and pure, and nobody had to go hungry? And, when we got sick, we could go to a doctor or hospital, and get paid for being off work? Wouldn't it be nice if our neighborhoods were safe, and our children could get a decent education? If there was no crime and violence? If everyone was happy and got along with each other? If we were healthy enough to enjoy our free time? If we didn't have to worry about money? If someday we could retire and enjoy our 'golden years'?

What a wonderful world it would be!

Wouldn't you like to live in a future like that? Wouldn't you like to be happy? To realize your fullest potential as a human being?

Well, there are some problems that you are going to run into along the way. The first one is called: REALITY.

There are only so many places at the table. There are only x number of resources. Here is the situation: If you have not watched the video: The Most Important Video You'll Ever See, watch it NOW! (1 hour and 14 minutes)

Here I would like to inject an idea. The problem with living in a 'perfect world' is PEOPLE ARE NOT PERFECT. Far from it. And, some are downright EVIL. Of course one individual's idea of an 'evil person' could be another individual's idea of a role model... That is another dimension to the problem. For now, we are trying to come to grips with reality.

Stop reading this and watch the video!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Revolution or Evolution?

Slavoj Zizek wrote a book called, "Resistance is Surrender"... So what? Anybody with a computer and word processing software can write a book. And, anybody with lots of time on their hands can read the zillions of books being published every year. So what? New ideas are a lot harder to come by. There are very few of them out there - even in the zillions of books!

Comrade Zizek likes to think of himself as the last communist. And maybe he is, again, so what? All around us we see the ruins of the Communist Empire.The ideology of the Proletariat soundly trounced by the Jelly Bean eating victim of Alzheimer's Disease, Ronald Wilson Reagan, and the glorious Republican Party. Hooray for America! We won the Cold War, but, in the process, we lost our souls.

If a pinhead like Ronnie Reagan, or 'Hollywood Ron' (like we like to call him), can defeat the Communist Empire it must not have been as powerful as it thought it was. Even during the War in Iraq, we saw the latest Soviet equipment go up in smoke, and all of its operators slaughtered like lambs. So, yeah, the myth of Communist superiority has been obliterated once and for all. It was bullshit, plain and simple.

Somehow, the communists haven't learned their lesson. They blame their failure on faulty equipment rather than a bogus ideology. But, even children know that materialistic systems, representative democracy and bureaucratic governments (run by intellectuals) are doomed to failure. 

Materialism is Evil. All of the world's religions can agree on this. You worship the 'Golden Calf' and sooner or later God is going to 'smite' your ass. Or, at least, you will end up damned eternally, like Jacob Marley. Wrapped in chains and account ledgers. Moaning and wailing in the Eternal Night. Not to mention that when times are 'tight' the desperate and starving masses are going to kill you and take all your shit. So, at least, you won't be able to flash it, and if you can't flash it then what is the point of having it?

Representative democracy is a load of horse-shit. Are those assholes in Washington even listening to the American people? It sure doesn't look like it. They've got their 'experts', and the 'envelopes' that the rich people slip to them, and they are riding high on their own ego trips. Meanwhile, if they aren't listening to the voters then who in the fuck are they representing?

Bureaucratic Government is a Mongolian fire-drill. Anybody who has ever had dealings with the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) knows that. And intellectuals can't find their ass with both hands. So, what we have here is a 'wining combination' of everything that makes the System the worst possible political system imaginable. Might as well just let the 1% who run things have their own way, and do whatever the fuck they want. In a bureaucratic system you have to be a lawyer to negotiate the maze. Americans, nowadays, can barely read, much less understand the law.

Like the Jehovah's Witnesses believe, only 144,000 people are going to Heaven. All the rest are going to Hell.

How many billionaires are there in the world?

More than likely, if you aren't a billionaire you will not be on the 'shuttle' that goes up to the 'Pearly Gates'. You are going to ride the big metal slide that goes straight down to Hell. (The place of wailing and gnashing of teeth.)

But the communist intellectuals don't believe in Heaven or Hell. Partly, because they are too simple-minded to understand the metaphor, and partly because they are too blind to see what's going on in the world. So, they stick to the same worn-out 'party line' and shriek warnings about 'revisionism'. Meanwhile, countless potential recruits to the cause of socialism are sacrificed at the altar of narrow-mindedness.

Listen carefully: Every revolutionary struggle is a struggle of National Liberation. You, my red friends have been backing the wrong horse. The 'Cavalry' is not going to come. You are standing alone against the tide. And, the tide can only be mastered by a new form of 'National' Socialism.

If you could see the 'Big Picture', you would appreciate that the most probable future for the United States is Corporate Fascism. The only thing that can successfully challenge this is REAL Fascism: People's National Socialism!

You may cringe at the words, you may shiver in your bed, but Comrade Zizek is wrong - Because, like the man said, five idiots can silence the most brilliant speaker with their fists! And, what the 'ruling class' needs is a sound thrashing!

Fear is all those in power understand. They use it to control the masses. They, more than anyone else, realize how vulnerable they are. And, they are afraid.

My grandfather used to say, "Never corner a frightened man. Always give him a way out, and he will take it."

We are that way out, because we (you and I) are the Future!

And, that is the Truth!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What have you learned?

So the Cambodian Fairy Princess asks, "What have you learned in your life?"
Hmm, a very interesting question. What have I learned?
Well, the first thing I learned is Nobody gives a fuck about how you look, or what you wear, because they are too busy tripping on themselves.
Most of the time they don't notice you at all. And, when they do, the only thing they notice is whether or not you pose a threat to them.

Have you ever noticed that good-looking chicks always pick an ugly girl for a best friend? It makes them look better. People don't usually want equals for friends, it is too big of a challenge to their ego. So, they try to surround themselves with flunkies. They want to put all of their associates in their 'trick bag'. If you want to be popular you have to kiss a lot of babies and asses. My God, look at how Walmart caters to the sub-human scum! And, notice how they all wind up in the 'trick bag'. There is a sucker born every minute...

The second thing I learned is: You are in this world all by yourself. You can't trust or count on anybody. When given a choice between you and them, most people will fuck you over in a heart-beat. And not have any second thoughts about it. This includes friends and lovers... The important thing is whether or not you can be of benefit to them. If you can't all bets are off.

"If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door".

Strive for excellence and you will come out on top.

W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne wrote a profound book in 2005 called Blue Ocean Strategy. In their book, Kim and Mauborgne use the analogy of the ocean to contrast fighting it out in a hyper-competitive market (red ocean) against creating an entirely new market where there is smooth sailing (blue ocean). Most companies today take a red ocean approach. They put their efforts into building something better, faster, or cheaper rather than building something entirely new.

There is much more to marketing than building a great product, however, a great product is the foundation for great marketing in a sea of “me too”, commoditized markets. After you build a great product, you still have to light the fire by getting it in to people’s hands. But “blue ocean” products will accelerate the rate at which word about your product and company spreads. Just ask the makers of Tivo, Nintendo Wii, and Jones Soda.

There was this guy, from out of town, Michigan or Ohio I think, who had James Dean down pat. He roared into town in a '55 Chevy. Hit the hot spots as a lone-wolf, and fucked all the chicks. He was cool as a motherfucker.

Now, what, you ask, could somebody learn from this? Nobody ever gets laid operating with his bros in a pack. If he does its a fluke. The lone-wolf gets the chicks. You go out the front door and he's climbing in their bedroom window. You can bring candy and flowers, and hold open doors for days. But, this is not what girls want. They want the rebel, the loner, the sonofabitch - so they can 'transform' him into something else. And, when they do they lose interest.

Fuck the herd, and all the sheep! Be YOURSELF. If people can't handle that then fuck them too! Life is too short to try to conform to somebody else's expectations. All you have to do is live up to your own ideals. Do what YOU think is right. And, don't look back.

Treat other people like you would like to be treated. Relax and be friendly. Listen to them and laugh at their jokes. Make them feel good and they will feel good about you. Because, you know, you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

In a world where nobody gives a shit about anybody but themselves you can be King if you are there for people when they need you. Share and share alike. Be magnanimous, don't be stingy.

Living well is the best revenge. 

We went on an eight hundred mile trip (four of us) with six dollars between us. about 250 miles out we got four hot-dogs for $1.99. Two people wanted steak. One of them threw his hot-dog down and exclaimed, "Fuck this shit!"

Needless to say, those two did not complete the journey. Four years later, the two of us that made the trip, we were still having a ball. The other two had long since vanished into obscurity. That's the way shit works. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins!

Which brings us to the idea of your parents and other 'elders'. Your parents love you and want you to make it in life because you are an extension of them. Their job is to teach you how to make it in life, so you can survive and develop into something better than what they were (or are).

So, if you pay attention people will give you plenty of advice. Don't reject it out of hand, as teenagers are want to do. Listen and learn. It will save you lots of time and energy.

Sure, it is human nature to try to re-invent the wheel. But you need to consider the cost. If you weren't such an argumentative little prick you might gain a big advantage, over all your so-called friends and acquaintances.

Think about the shit you do... Take advantage of the knowledge and experience of others. It can be a short cut to success.

There is much more that I've learned in life, but these little tidbits should get you started.

Good Luck! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Coming To Terms With Insanity

Without complete information it becomes necessary to proceed with whatever knowledge is currently available. Because, after all, maneuver is the only important thing… He who is not busy being born is busy dying.

In other words, if you want to stay dynamic you have to act boldly and decisively. You have to get out in front of the pack and keep the throttle wide open… For however long it takes to win.

There is no such thing as a second-place winner.

God has no patience for losers and neither do I. It’s hard to win. It takes 110%. But all you have to do in order to lose is quit. Just fuckin’ give up. And, as soon as you lose sight of the dream it will evaporate… and you will find yourself in Hell.

All those weaklings, who spend their lives in Hell, deserve to be in Hell. They attract pain and suffering like a magnet… Like attracts like. Losers attract other losers… and they all cluster together and touch each other… and shiver.

The pain and suffering moves in waves through the herd. It is their Destiny. It is their just deserts… Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and he knows who’s naughty and who’s nice. He’s a jolly old soul, who laughs… at all the weaklings who cry.

To vanquish an enemy you must first shatter his dreams… and, what fragile things are dreams! Whispers floating on thin air. Phantoms in the night. Thoughts without form…

Some people get high because they lack dreams. Some people get high to test the limits of reality. Some people get high so they won’t have to think anymore. Sooner or later… and its usually sooner… you don’t get high anymore - you just get regular. At this point, most people forget that you never "come down" you just get used to it… what you get used to is the transformation of your mind… the death, or birth, of your brain. You realize something that you didn’t realize when you started getting high… namely, that altered mental states are a Rite of Passage. A doorway to another dimension… beyond the present reality… beyond God and Man… from "sanity" to "insanity".

This time and place is THE time and place - there is no other reality. Insanity is the key that opens the secret door… but you need great courage to cross the Threshold.

Am I Getting Closer or Farther Away?

Sometimes you get what you want, but you lose what you have...
What is the secret? What is the 'deal'?
Time keeps on slipping into the Future...
Tick tock...
And, if you think that life is about 'feeling groovy'
well, you are going to be disappointed.

Also, if you think that 'things' are going to make you happy
well, you better make sure you have some place to put them,
because they take up lots of space.

Once upon a time...
When I didn't have a pot to piss in,
everything was unlimited,
You can go anywhere from nowhere,
but each choice you make limits you,
and the more choices you make 
the less room you have to maneuver.

People, too, are unreliable...
they always let you down,
even the best of them...
don't waste your time trying to figure them out,
and, never count on anybody but yourself.

This is it, bro!
You are where you are,
right here and right now,
everything else is up for grabs...
The past is over,
so, don't waste your time worrying about what might have been,
it is what it is...

And, the Future,
that sacred place up in the clouds,
well, it may never come,
and when it does,
it's not going to be like you imagined.

Nothing is perfect,
God is not even perfect...
If He is we need to redefine perfection,
Maybe the Japanese have got it right:
perfection is what is natural,
and imperfect.

The tea cup with a crack in it,
a rough stone,
running water,
burning leaves,
happy thoughts...

So, here I sit,
with my dick in my hand,
imagining a better world,
and knowing that this one is all I really have.

“Woe is me,” the old Jew said.
Because he realized his ultimate destination.

This train is bound for Glory!
I am so excited...
To be part of the Universe,
To experience all of these sensations,
and, to have all of these magnificent adventures...
each one more amazing then the last.

I am happy with the people I meet,
because when I get to know them,
they make me realize,
how well off I really am...
How lucky to be living in America,
with the barkers and the colored balloons.

Man, its a regular three-ring circus,
replete with clowns and freaks,
and very serious people,
dressed in costumes,
and racing toward the Abyss...

Woo Hoo – it doesn't get any better than this!
I have been privileged to know some of the coolest people on the planet,
with big hearts and first-class minds...
And, some of the biggest assholes too.

But, hey, if you didn't encounter lots of assholes,
you wouldn't be able to appreciate the cool people,
when you finally meet up with them...

Warning: if you want to be cool,
remember this:
All the cool people perish at the hands of the assholes!
And, if we didn't perish with them,
it was probably because we weren't as cool as we thought we were.

Assholes live long and prosper.
When Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth...”
he meant the assholes,
because assholes care about shit like that...
They want to be 'happy' and 'feel good',
and, they know that only money can bring you what you need,
which is 'security'...
But, the cool people know
that there is no security...

Life is fleeting,
dreams are all empty,
and the final destination is death.... 

Monday, March 11, 2013

What Motivates People?

Why do we do the things we do?

Ans: Because we like to. People pretty much do what they like to do, even when threatened by financial loss, or danger. Of course, there are some punk-assed bitches who live in constant terror, and who are motivated almost entirely by fear... Hopefully, none of these douche-bags are reading my blogs, and if they are, I put a curse on them for being punks. Watch how this curse will change your life shit-head, and be amazed.

Now, the question arises, Why do we like to do certain things, and not like to do others?

Ans: Because it is our nature. We are what we are because of our genetic make-up. There's no getting around it. We went from heredity to environment, back to heredity again. Everybody is the result of their genes. There is no free will. If your parents, grand parents, and all your other ancestors were slaves, or other kinds of punk-assed bitches, then you are a prisoner of your DNA, and pretty much fucked.

It's really simple when you think about it. And, that's how they turn wolves into poodles and other kinds of lap dogs. Thank your parents. Don't blame me if you, or your children, are hopelessly fucked. You knew, from the start, that certain characteristics were genetically transmitted. But, you chose to ignore the wisdom of the ancients and to follow the dictates of your hormones. Tough shit.

The rolling stone gathers no moss... that's the job of stagnant waters and dark, damp places. (Like your mother's crotch.) And, so you see, that our job is to gather the harvest of 'normal', 'healthy' people, and burn the chaff. What do we need 'weeds' for anyway. They just choke out the healthy plants, and serve no useful purpose in the scheme of things.

What's wrong with our society?

Ans: They preach that diamonds have the same value as coal. "Gold and dirt are equal," they say. Then we get the dirt and they get the gold. And, you will notice that nobody wears lumps of coal as jewelry. The preacher who tells us, "God loves all his children," usually is sporting a big diamond ring and driving a Cadillac. Couple of whores in the backseat usually completes the picture.

Teaspoons full of cocaine... laughter, and lots of fucking and sucking... Yeah Buddy... That single-malt Scotch is so smooth... and, light your cigar with a fifty dollar bill.

"God loves a sinner!"

"Lord have mercy."

While you listen to shit music, and play with your dick, the big boys are raking in the gold.

What motivates them?

Ans: He knows what he wants.

What's that?

He wants more.

"Yeah. That's it. More. That's right! I want more! "

"Will you ever get enough?"

"Well, I never have. No, I guess I won't. You, do you know what you want?"

Now, there is the million dollar question: Do you know what you want?

Looks to me like the thing you are really after is OBLITERATION.

Don't worry, little buddy, it's on its way!   

Saturday, March 9, 2013

On Being Someone Else

I'm going to be somebody else...

I watch MacGyver, all the re-runs of seven seasons,
the seventh son of the seventh son,
Comrade Maurice S. Newman (The 'S' stands for seven and "Steven".),
Morey S. Newman
Morris S. Newman aka "Moss" (Moris) > Moris Steven Newman
Kasimir Steven Newman...
you take your pick.

My name is Moss Newman,
I am the New Man...
The New Man doesn't care what you call him,
as long as you don't call him late for supper.

Assimilate MacGyver...
Adapt, improvise, and overcome;
Study hard and make progress everyday.

You are only as pretty as you feel inside.

I am a beautiful butterfly.

Keep it simple stupid (KISS),
and don't be a beefalo...
"Man was not designed to eat red meat."
Or, to stay up late drinking cheap gin and playing poker.

Comb your hair straight back, and wear a goatee...
Assimilate 'Uncle Ho', too,
I am the spiritual leader of a new race of men...
"You want some fried rice?"
Perhaps an ice pick in the base of the brain?

Boxers or briefs?
The Golden Scorpion necklace...
a sign to live by,
nobody fucks with the Golden Scorpion,
that would be 'un-wise'...

I came to the United States and worked in a Chinese restaurant,
washing dishes and busing tables, and, finally, cooking and waiting on tables;
"You want chicken egg rolls?"
It was there that I learned to smoke cigarettes and drink cheap liquor...

On the weekends I played Mah Jong. And, attended communist meetings.

I didn't have very much money for food, or anything else;
I was a member of the 'working poor'...
Being a 'wage-slave' is the ultimate evolution of slavery,
You pay for your own upkeep...

Life becomes a chain of miserable events.

You wear 'wife beaters' but you have no wife to beat.

It was under these circumstances that I realized that the system had to be over-

I put on the uniform of revolution:
Paratrooper pants and the camp shirt.

I saved my money for a good pair of shoes...
After all, walking is the first form of transportation for the poor.

Maybe later a bicycle and/or a bus pass,
but, alas, these things are for the wealthy,
For the poor, the priority is a bowl of noodles,
and a cup of black tea...

We anguish over the question: How can I make a dollar?
And dream of eating egg foo young for breakfast...
(With fluffy white steamed rice.)

We are nothing and have nothing...
There is so much to want.

What do I want?
What is my purpose in the scheme of things?
Where am I going?
What is the meaning of life?

Vegetables and vitamin pills...
twenty-cent noodles,
100 tea bags for 99-cents!

Don't forget to exercise!

Buy an ice pick for self-protection.

Ah, these wealthy Americans,
they do not realize that everything is an illusion,
and, that they are walking on thin ice.

They have their 'Jesus',
and freedom
and democracy...
reach out to touch these things and they vanish!

"Relax, drink a beer and watch the ball game."
"When you die you will go to Heaven."

When life gets you down make some chocolate-chip cookies....

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tales of the Swastika

Well, it's just as I suspected, everything is turning to shit. The mob is still sitting in front of the TV scratching their heads, and their asses. No help will come from this quarter. Let the Enemy push them into the Abyss. At least we can agree with them that the vast majority are 'useless eaters'. Neither the present society, or the one we are trying to create, has any use for them. They are superfluous.

Now, we are hearing about 'civil war' and 'economic collapse' - even from the optimists! It is very disturbing. What is even more disturbing is that everyday life seems to be getting harder. As mathematics starts to come into play, we can expect an acceleration of the deterioration of our society.

An interesting publication: Unrestricted Warfare - read it and weep!

Can our organizing efforts keep pace with the collapse of Western Society? 

Only time will tell. One thing is for sure: it will be a fight to the finish.

Just stick your head in the sand, and ignore the whole thing. Maybe it will all go away?

Or, you can start throwing up 'signs' that say, "Wolverines". 

So, which 'Red Dawn' film is better? I kind of liked them both, for different reasons. The only problem is: the Enemy is not North Korea, or Russia, or China, or Iran - the Enemy is within!

The real Enemy is the Ego. Greed, selfishness, pride, ignorance, materialism... all that shit that we love so much! America is killing itself! We are our own worst enemy.

Where will it stop?

It has to stop with the individual. You have to reach the point where you say, "Fuck all this shit!"

It's just not worth it to sell your soul for things that just turn into junk, sooner or later. Even good looking women get ugly. Watches stop ticking, Cars are on their way to the junk yard. Houses in nice neighborhoods turn into shacks in the ghetto. Toys break. And, computers, cell phones, and the rest of that 'electronic garbage' will all end up in the trash. None of this shit is worth selling your soul for.

Video games, TV shows, movies, and even books, are all just forms of mental masturbation... None of them are real. Nothing is real anymore. But don't worry, it is going to get real soon enough. So real, in fact, that you probably won't be able to stand it.

Happy days!

Challenges are what make real people. What does not kill you will make you stronger. Experience will make you wiser. Pain and suffering purifies the soul. No reason to worry. Be heroic and everything will be alright. 

"A coward dies a hundred deaths - a hero dies but one!"

And, that my friends is the God's-honest Truth!