Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What have you learned?

So the Cambodian Fairy Princess asks, "What have you learned in your life?"
Hmm, a very interesting question. What have I learned?
Well, the first thing I learned is Nobody gives a fuck about how you look, or what you wear, because they are too busy tripping on themselves.
Most of the time they don't notice you at all. And, when they do, the only thing they notice is whether or not you pose a threat to them.

Have you ever noticed that good-looking chicks always pick an ugly girl for a best friend? It makes them look better. People don't usually want equals for friends, it is too big of a challenge to their ego. So, they try to surround themselves with flunkies. They want to put all of their associates in their 'trick bag'. If you want to be popular you have to kiss a lot of babies and asses. My God, look at how Walmart caters to the sub-human scum! And, notice how they all wind up in the 'trick bag'. There is a sucker born every minute...

The second thing I learned is: You are in this world all by yourself. You can't trust or count on anybody. When given a choice between you and them, most people will fuck you over in a heart-beat. And not have any second thoughts about it. This includes friends and lovers... The important thing is whether or not you can be of benefit to them. If you can't all bets are off.

"If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door".

Strive for excellence and you will come out on top.

W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne wrote a profound book in 2005 called Blue Ocean Strategy. In their book, Kim and Mauborgne use the analogy of the ocean to contrast fighting it out in a hyper-competitive market (red ocean) against creating an entirely new market where there is smooth sailing (blue ocean). Most companies today take a red ocean approach. They put their efforts into building something better, faster, or cheaper rather than building something entirely new.

There is much more to marketing than building a great product, however, a great product is the foundation for great marketing in a sea of “me too”, commoditized markets. After you build a great product, you still have to light the fire by getting it in to people’s hands. But “blue ocean” products will accelerate the rate at which word about your product and company spreads. Just ask the makers of Tivo, Nintendo Wii, and Jones Soda.

There was this guy, from out of town, Michigan or Ohio I think, who had James Dean down pat. He roared into town in a '55 Chevy. Hit the hot spots as a lone-wolf, and fucked all the chicks. He was cool as a motherfucker.

Now, what, you ask, could somebody learn from this? Nobody ever gets laid operating with his bros in a pack. If he does its a fluke. The lone-wolf gets the chicks. You go out the front door and he's climbing in their bedroom window. You can bring candy and flowers, and hold open doors for days. But, this is not what girls want. They want the rebel, the loner, the sonofabitch - so they can 'transform' him into something else. And, when they do they lose interest.

Fuck the herd, and all the sheep! Be YOURSELF. If people can't handle that then fuck them too! Life is too short to try to conform to somebody else's expectations. All you have to do is live up to your own ideals. Do what YOU think is right. And, don't look back.

Treat other people like you would like to be treated. Relax and be friendly. Listen to them and laugh at their jokes. Make them feel good and they will feel good about you. Because, you know, you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

In a world where nobody gives a shit about anybody but themselves you can be King if you are there for people when they need you. Share and share alike. Be magnanimous, don't be stingy.

Living well is the best revenge. 

We went on an eight hundred mile trip (four of us) with six dollars between us. about 250 miles out we got four hot-dogs for $1.99. Two people wanted steak. One of them threw his hot-dog down and exclaimed, "Fuck this shit!"

Needless to say, those two did not complete the journey. Four years later, the two of us that made the trip, we were still having a ball. The other two had long since vanished into obscurity. That's the way shit works. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins!

Which brings us to the idea of your parents and other 'elders'. Your parents love you and want you to make it in life because you are an extension of them. Their job is to teach you how to make it in life, so you can survive and develop into something better than what they were (or are).

So, if you pay attention people will give you plenty of advice. Don't reject it out of hand, as teenagers are want to do. Listen and learn. It will save you lots of time and energy.

Sure, it is human nature to try to re-invent the wheel. But you need to consider the cost. If you weren't such an argumentative little prick you might gain a big advantage, over all your so-called friends and acquaintances.

Think about the shit you do... Take advantage of the knowledge and experience of others. It can be a short cut to success.

There is much more that I've learned in life, but these little tidbits should get you started.

Good Luck! 

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