Slavoj Zizek wrote a book called, "Resistance is Surrender"... So what? Anybody with a computer and word processing software can write a book. And, anybody with lots of time on their hands can read the zillions of books being published every year. So what? New ideas are a lot harder to come by. There are very few of them out there - even in the zillions of books!
Comrade Zizek likes to think of himself as the last communist. And maybe he is, again, so what? All around us we see the ruins of the Communist Empire.The ideology of the Proletariat soundly trounced by the Jelly Bean eating victim of Alzheimer's Disease, Ronald Wilson Reagan, and the glorious Republican Party. Hooray for America! We won the Cold War, but, in the process, we lost our souls.
If a pinhead like Ronnie Reagan, or 'Hollywood Ron' (like we like to call him), can defeat the Communist Empire it must not have been as powerful as it thought it was. Even during the War in Iraq, we saw the latest Soviet equipment go up in smoke, and all of its operators slaughtered like lambs. So, yeah, the myth of Communist superiority has been obliterated once and for all. It was bullshit, plain and simple.
Somehow, the communists haven't learned their lesson. They blame their failure on faulty equipment rather than a bogus ideology. But, even children know that materialistic systems, representative democracy and bureaucratic governments (run by intellectuals) are doomed to failure.
Materialism is Evil. All of the world's religions can agree on this. You worship the 'Golden Calf' and sooner or later God is going to 'smite' your ass. Or, at least, you will end up damned eternally, like Jacob Marley. Wrapped in chains and account ledgers. Moaning and wailing in the Eternal Night. Not to mention that when times are 'tight' the desperate and starving masses are going to kill you and take all your shit. So, at least, you won't be able to flash it, and if you can't flash it then what is the point of having it?
Representative democracy is a load of horse-shit. Are those assholes in Washington even listening to the American people? It sure doesn't look like it. They've got their 'experts', and the 'envelopes' that the rich people slip to them, and they are riding high on their own ego trips. Meanwhile, if they aren't listening to the voters then who in the fuck are they representing?
Bureaucratic Government is a Mongolian fire-drill. Anybody who has ever had dealings with the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) knows that. And intellectuals can't find their ass with both hands. So, what we have here is a 'wining combination' of everything that makes the System the worst possible political system imaginable. Might as well just let the 1% who run things have their own way, and do whatever the fuck they want. In a bureaucratic system you have to be a lawyer to negotiate the maze. Americans, nowadays, can barely read, much less understand the law.
Like the Jehovah's Witnesses believe, only 144,000 people are going to Heaven. All the rest are going to Hell.
How many billionaires are there in the world?
More than likely, if you aren't a billionaire you will not be on the 'shuttle' that goes up to the 'Pearly Gates'. You are going to ride the big metal slide that goes straight down to Hell. (The place of wailing and gnashing of teeth.)
But the communist intellectuals don't believe in Heaven or Hell. Partly, because they are too simple-minded to understand the metaphor, and partly because they are too blind to see what's going on in the world. So, they stick to the same worn-out 'party line' and shriek warnings about 'revisionism'. Meanwhile, countless potential recruits to the cause of socialism are sacrificed at the altar of narrow-mindedness.
Listen carefully: Every revolutionary struggle is a struggle of National Liberation. You, my red friends have been backing the wrong horse. The 'Cavalry' is not going to come. You are standing alone against the tide. And, the tide can only be mastered by a new form of 'National' Socialism.
If you could see the 'Big Picture', you would appreciate that the most probable future for the United States is Corporate Fascism. The only thing that can successfully challenge this is REAL Fascism: People's National Socialism!
You may cringe at the words, you may shiver in your bed, but Comrade Zizek is wrong - Because, like the man said, five idiots can silence the most brilliant speaker with their fists! And, what the 'ruling class' needs is a sound thrashing!
Fear is all those in power understand. They use it to control the masses. They, more than anyone else, realize how vulnerable they are. And, they are afraid.
My grandfather used to say, "Never corner a frightened man. Always give him a way out, and he will take it."
We are that way out, because we (you and I) are the Future!
And, that is the Truth!
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