Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Put Your Money On A Long Shot 5

American Civil War? Economic Collapse? Revolution? Resistance?

A bunch of friends, getting together for a little fun. Maybe a pot-luck dinner, you know, where everybody brings something and everybody shares...

"But I'll throw you one better if you've got the nerve
Let's race all the way
To Dead Man's Curve..."

If there is to be a collapse, replete with martial law, violence in the streets, corporate fascism, concentration camps, and even genocide... If the shit hits the fan, where everything spins wildly out of control, and, the people are disorganized, confused and afraid. There are some basic steps that must be taken to ensure the survival of what we lovingly call 'American Democracy'.

1.- Remember that your mind is your primary weapon. Victory or defeat will happen first in your mind. That's why psychological warfare is one of the most important weapons in any military arsenal. If the Enemy can put the seed of defeat in your mind the battle will be already won. Therefore, we all need to be positive and optimistic. And be on guard against negativity and pessimism.

2.- Lead, follow, or get out of the way. You are either with the struggle for freedom or against it - there is no 'fence' to sit on! When the crisis comes the time for discussing the 'finer points' is over. The time for action is at hand. There is nothing to discuss. You either fight for freedom or you perish.

3.- Those who fight for freedom are the 'good guys'. Those who fight on the side of tyranny are the 'bad guys'. It's that simple. There are no varying shades of good and evil - you are either on one side or the other! Those who endorse evil, those who support it, those who cooperate with it, who tolerate it... These people are traitors, and must be dealt with accordingly."So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth." Because thou art lukewarm - Irresolute and undecided. The middle-of-the-road position is the worst kind of hypocrisy there is. The 'divide' between good and evil consists of those who believe in American ideals and follow them, love them, obey them, and those who reject them. That is the line of division today.

4.- Free your mind from fear. The Enemy is adept at projecting the image of power. He is like the scene in the Wizard of OZ, where there is a big scary green face on the screen, and the voice says, "I am the great and powerful..."
Only, don't pay any attention to that scrawny pencil-neck behind the curtain. Don't be fooled by the illusion of power. The Enemy is weak and vulnerable. He can and will be defeated.

5.- You are not alone. The people of this country are basically good natured, honest, and kind. In the end, the American people will triumph.

Can we still hope for a peaceful resolution of society's problems?

I don't know. I would like to think that we can. In spite of the fact that there are so many indications that this cannot and will not happen. From all the reports, the Government is preparing for war against the people. When and where it will begin is unknown.

If the economic situation does not improve, and Republicans achieve the significant cuts to vital social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and food stamps that they have been pushing for, the United States will indeed be on the brink of violence. A populace without jobs or social services is an angry, desperate one.

The 'reds' will be the 'first wave', the 'spearhead' of the revolution. It's what the reds do best... 'agit-prop'... let them do their thing. We must encourage the reds: "Don't chicken out you pencil-neck Che Guevaras! Your hour has finally come - Go for it!"

The 'establishment'? They will attack, they will escalate the violence... violence and repression lead to counter-violence. It's a self-stoking cycle... one thing always leads to the other... This is good, because it exposes the true nature of the Corporate Capitalist System.

More than likely, people of color will be the 'second wave'... Watermelon and fried chicken, followed by burritos and enchiladas... a smorgasbord of revolutionary delights... This is also good.

We must also encourage people of color: "You are slaves, both historically and pragmatically, you have been brought to the United States to work for the 'man' for substandard wages... when, pray tell, are you going to act like men and throw off the yoke of slavery? Don't 'punk out' - this is your moment to prove that you are really men - if you let it pass you will be 'punks' forever!"

The third wave will be the anarchists, the fence-sitters, the local gun club militias, tax resistors and libertarians... Along with the survivors of the first two waves... by now they will have experience and an intense hatred of the System... there will be no prisoners... it will be dangerous to wear a suit and tie or drive around in a limo.

We must definitely encourage the 'third wave': "This is it motherfuckers, shit or get off the pot! Your very existence is dependent on your ability to fight against the System!"

We are the 'fourth wave'... "The Secret of Battle is to show no mercy!"

Does everyone have their 'death list' ready?

Heinrich Himmler had a great idea: If someone is a coward or traitor it must be genetic, right? So, why not eliminate that person's whole clan and get rid of the genes that cause cowardice and treason? (And, throw in his dog or cat for good measure.) LOL, you gotta love the Nazis - they were so 'practical'!

Bottom-line: Place your bet on the American worker. That is one tough sonofabitch. And, nobody has ever beat the American worker yet.

'Long-shot' or 'sure thing'?

I'll let you be the judge of that....

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