A revolution has been unleashed across the globe. This revolution, a popular repudiation of the old order, is where we should direct all our energy and commitment. If we do not topple the corporate elites the ecosystem will be destroyed and massive numbers of human beings along with it. The struggle will be long. There will be times when it will seem we are going nowhere. Victory is not inevitable. But this is our best and only hope. The response of Corporate Capitalism will ultimately determine the parameters and composition of rebellion. It may be peaceful, or it may be bloody. That is entirely in 'God's hands'.
The object is to try to get there without violence. But, if violence cannot be avoided, the battle must be taken to the Enemy. Armed revolutions, despite what the history books often tell us, are tragic, ugly, frightening and sordid affairs. Therefore, violence must be decisive and completely overpowering. So, that the duration is short. And, as much unnecessary suffering, as possible, will be avoided.
Revolutions take time. The most effective revolutions, including the Russian Revolution, have been largely nonviolent. There are always violent radicals who carry out bombings and assassinations, but they hinder, especially in the early stages, more than help revolutions. Violent radicals are used by the Government to justify harsh repression. They scare the mainstream from the movement. They thwart the goal of the revolution, which is to turn the majority against an isolated and discredited ruling class. Violence is seductive to those who yearn for personal empowerment through hyper-masculinity and heart-pounding action, but it is not always the best way to advance the cause of revolution.
It does not matter how sophisticated the repressive apparatus. Once those who handle the tools of repression become demoralized, the security and surveillance state is impotent. Regimes, when they die, are like a great ocean liner sinking in minutes on the horizon. And no one, including the purported leaders of the opposition, can predict the moment of death. Revolutions have an innate, mysterious life force that defies comprehension. They are the 'Will of God'.
The power of the Revolution is that it expresses the widespread disgust with the elites, and the deep desire for justice and fairness that is essential to all successful revolutionary movements. The Revolution will change and mutate, but it will not go away. It may appear to make little headway, but this is less because of the movement's ineffectiveness and more because decayed systems of power have an amazing ability to perpetuate themselves through habit, routine and inertia. The press and organs of communication, along with the anointed experts and academics, tied by money and ideology to the elites, are useless in dissecting what is happening within these movements. They view reality through the lens of their corporate sponsors. They have no idea what is happening.
Dying regimes are chipped away slowly and imperceptibly. The assumptions and daily formalities of the old system are difficult for citizens to abandon, even when the old system is increasingly hostile to their dignity, well-being and survival. Supplanting an old faith with a new one is the silent, unseen battle of all revolutionary movements. And during the slow transition it is almost impossible to measure progress.
Those within a demoralized ruling elite, like characters in a Chekhov play, increasingly understand that the system that enriches and empowers them is corrupt and decayed. They become cynical. They do not govern effectively. They retreat into hedonism. They no longer believe their own rhetoric. They devote their energies to stealing and exploiting as much, as fast, as possible. The elites become cannibals. They consume each other. And, finally, themselves. A dying ruling class, in short, no longer acts to preserve its own longevity. It becomes fashionable, even in the rarefied circles of the elite, to ridicule and laugh at the political puppets that are the public face of Corporate Capitalism.
Ideas that have outlived their usefulness may stumble around in the world for years, but it is hard for them ever to lead and dominate life. Such ideas never gain complete possession of men, they only gain possession of incomplete people.
This loss of faith means that when it comes time to use force, the elites employ it haphazardly and inefficiently, in large part because they are unsure of the loyalty of the foot soldiers on the streets charged with carrying out repression. Without faith in the rightness of it's cause, and in its own agents, the Enemy will revert to paranoid and negative thinking and behavior. And, will, basically, self-destruct. Bringing the whole edifice of Corporate Capitalism down on their own heads.
End of story, and the beginning of a New Society!