So, you think you're ready. You've got some decent moves, and you can see ahead far enough to come up with a strategy...
You pick, this hand or that... God is white. He gets the first move. He occupies the center of the board. You better think before you put your hand on that piece...
Historic forces are swirling out of control... You've got to obey the Laws of the Universe, which have not been created by school teachers, the military, politicians, or the police. Nor, have they been created by the wealthy and powerful 1%. Without some basic bonds, to hold it together, the universe would fly off into infinity - in a million different directions! And, you would be reduced to atomic particles.
You talk tough, like you have some idea what is going on. But God remains silent.
No conversation is allowed. You are on mute, and your palms are sweaty. It's really easy: all you have to do is think. Thought floods your mind...
"I think, therefore I am," says a voice in your head. Very well then, what are you?
If you are the sum product of all your thoughts and actions, what is that sum?
<post a picture of you at this very instant>
You are a blob of shit! A weak intellect, in an even weaker body. Yet, you have the audacity to think that you can defeat God. You have your head stuffed so far up your ass that I don't believe that even God could extract it. You realize, don't you, that you are doomed. Right from the start.
Your hand trembles, as you reach for your pawn...
What is the meaning of life, pilgrim? To eat, sleep, move your bowels, and fuck? Is that the best you can do? Oh, I know, you want something more: you want to 'feel good', don't you?
You think, "The meaning of life is to achieve happiness."
"I just want to be happy," you say.
Your pawn disappears from the board...
Why is your happiness dependent on the suffering of others?
Is it because you are a fucking termite, eating up the earth's resources?
Ah, the bug that wants to play chess with God...
You need a little humility. You need to be brought to your senses, so you can face reality. But, it is dark in there and you cannot see where you are going.
How about a clue? So, you wish for a clue, while you move your next pawn forward... Your cell phone buzzes.
A text from the Devil.
"Man, you better start praying, 'cause you already lost the game."
That pawn disappears too.
"I don't need to pray," you think, "I just need to move my knight." And you do.
Your whole life flashes before your eyes. You can observe, in detail, that you have always been a parasite. Taking and not giving back. Oh, you could've done good things, and made the world better for other people, but you always focused on yourself. You were the center of your own Universe. Nothing mattered to you, except your own gratification. You blamed your parents, society, the government, even God... But, it was you, and you alone. After all this is your Universe, and you are the king in it...
"If only I could do it over," you think, "if only I had chosen the other path."
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