Thursday, January 24, 2013

What Difference Does It Make?

Someone posed a question to me yesterday: "If there is no God, and no 'Eternal Life', what difference does it make what happens in the Future?"

Why should any one care what happens beyond their span of existence, here on earth?

First of all, I think that most of the world's philosophers have dealt with the question, What is the meaning of Life? Only a few, even considered the existence of God in the equation. Most said, the meaning of life was to find happiness. Of course, they had various ideas on what 'happiness' was, or what it meant to 'be happy'.

To the 'Children of Abraham', being happy is to be minding someone else's business. The happiest of these are called 'self-righteous assholes', and hypocrites, by the non-religious majority. They are extremely happy when they are turning the knife in somebody's back... Or, gleefully announcing that "God will punish you," or, "You will burn in Hell."

Life can have no purpose for these people without God. Because they are NOT happy. They are waiting to be happy in  the 'world to come'.

But for the rest of us, especially those who have children and grand-children, happiness takes on a different meaning. We seek joy in the everyday things, and value peace and contentment, over 'feeling good' and having a 'good time'. The Future, to us, is where our children and their children will live. Our 'Eternity' is not somewhere in the ether - it is right here on Earth!

Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven was WITHIN. (Not somewhere in the sky.) That, the Kingdom of Heaven was AT HAND. (Not in another time and place.)

But what do I know of theology? Moreover, what do I care about religion? There is more Truth in a bullshit session than there is in a sermon. Nothing is hidden. Everything is plain and simple, and right in front of your face... And, that is the way it should be. There is never any reason to 'mince words', or hide the Truth.

If people can't handle the Truth. Fuck them! Fuck every little cry-baby, who moans about their feelings getting hurt... Who died and made you important? You tell lies because you do not have the courage to face reality. (There it is, there.)

Second, your life will be judged by how much its influence extends beyond your brief time here on Earth. Write a book, paint a painting, be an influence to others - DO SOMETHING! There is no such thing as good and bad. That is another lie. Who is fit to judge? Who even can understand the thoughts and feelings that motivate others? 

The problem is: You want someone else to figure life out for you, because you are too lazy to do it yourself. And, when they do, you call them a 'tyrant'. Then, shall we not call you a 'fool'?

Leaders, come from nowhere - out of the mists of time - do their thing, and then disappear. Meanwhile, all the pencil-necks are trying to explain what happened. They would know what happened if they got off their fat asses and took part in events, rather than being content to observe them...

You want to influence others, then be RESPONSIBLE! When someone's house is on fire, you help them evacuate, and help put out the fire. You don't call the fire department and watch them burn up. When someone is bleeding to death you give them first aid, you don't call the paramedics and watch them bleed to death. You are RESPONSIBLE in every situation you find yourself in - or else you are useless!

Here we are. The once great American people reduced to a nation of cattle. Standing in the middle of the road obstructing progress. Moo motherfucker! The steamroller is coming to flatten you out! Moo! Fucking cows, contentedly chewing your cud. Is this how you want to spend eternity? Is this how you want to be remembered?

What difference does it make what happens in the Future?

Well, if it doesn't make any difference, then why do you condemn 'tyrants'? The Past is just as meaningless as the Future, isn't it?

You ask, "Why not just kill yourself?"

I answer, "I'd rather take over the world, and kill you first."

Now, there is 'poetic' justice... We see it happen over and over in History. Somebody cares enough to act. And, those who don't care enough to act always suffer the consequences. That is 'God's Will'!

And, that's the Truth!

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