Years ago, Chairman Mao said, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Which translates to mean: Political power is ultimately based on force. The more guns you have the stronger you are, and the less people fuck with you. (Or object to your rule.)
Even before this, the Nazis figured out that military force was the ultimate arbiter of history... Why discuss anything when you can let your Panzers and Stukas do your talking for you?
Both Chairman Mao, and the Nazis, were not inventing anything new - they were just studying the way History works and making comments on how it could work for them...
When we look at History: Libya, Afganistan, Iraq, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, etc., It sure looks like the theory of Force is working for the United States. If you don't like what someone is doing, you just roll in and crush them. Of course, you probably should make up some plausible reason for doing so, like, "Hey, we're bringing them 'freedom' and 'democracy'..." That's what Stalin did.
It doesn't really matter how much money you have, or how smart you are, as long as you have the means, and the desire, to brutally crush the opposition... The wealthy, and the intelligentsia will always fall in line - or else you kill them!
Don't get on your high-horse, everybody is out to eliminate the opposition. It's the way humans do business. Competition ultimately means that somebody is going to 'go down' - it's either them or us!
The problem is, that 'civilization' has a way of making people weak and decadent, and in a dog-eat-dog world this is not a good thing... The day comes when you say, "I'm not going to risk everything - let somebody else do it!" So, then you start hiring other people to be your 'muscle'. You create a 'professional' class (read mercenary) of fighters and policemen, politicians and teachers, doctors and lawyers, managers and thinkers - and you quit taking part in society, and in being responsible for its actions. You 'pay' someone else to do what you're supposed to do... so you can have more time to play video games, and to jack-off.
Speaking of masturbation, while we were jacking-off foreigners were brought into the United States to do our jobs. They were cheaper, worked harder, and didn't complain. They did as they were told. They didn't jack-off - they were too busy fucking! Now, if you look around, you will notice that Black Americans are being pushed out of the Ghetto, and more advertisements are written in Spanish. If you listen, you will hear, "Press one for English..."
Oh, how the 'right-wing' complains... It's another form of jacking-off. After all, it was their masters (the Corporate Capitalists) who brought all this to pass... What do they need Negroes and stupid 'red necks' for? They can bring in the best the world has to offer and hire them for less than some fat, stupid and lazy American.
The Truth hurts.
A little history for you 'tea baggers': Ronald Reagan's speech, A Generation Lost to Drugs... "We will bring in able men and women, from far away lands, yearning to be free, to replace the 'lost generation' of American youth..." "Mi casa es su casa..." "Americans don't want, or need these menial jobs..." (canned laughter)
It's the I Love Lucy Show!
We have this bloated military... that uses up -at least- sixty percent of our budget. So that we can put Mao and Hitler's theories to work in the world. And, we can't stand it when some kid gets a free breakfast at school, or a baby gets some Government milk... In other words, we are not only fat, lazy and stupid - we are also UGLY.
Hey, ugly people shouldn't breed! And, we don't. We are too busy jacking-off!
In closing, let me lay this gem on you: Political power grows out of the barrel of a penis!
Quit jacking-off, and start taking care of business!
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