Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Murder Is Just A Word

I am an unrepentant sinner... I have broken all of the Ten Commandments, and, if there is a Hell I will most probably see you in it. If there is a God, the thing he hates most is a hypocrite .. a phony sonofabitch that says one thing and does another. We see them come rolling into Walmart every Sunday about 11 am. Right after Church. They come to 'spread the word' by shoplifting and being rude and in-your-face stupid.

By their fruits shall ye know them. They talk about the 'sanctity of life' and make it a Hell on Earth for everybody else... God forbid that somebody should be happy.

"I got mine, and fuck everybody else," they say.

Then, they have the audacity to get all self-righteous and tell you how to live.

Based on what? Some vast store of experience, or God-given wisdom?

I don't think so. Everything they do and say is the opposite of what Jesus said, and the dictates of common sense...

"Abortion is murder," they say.

Yet, they don't seem to care that 29,000 children starve everyday. Or, that the United States goes around the world killing innocent women and children with drones and bombers...

They don't care that there are already too many mouths to feed... that there are no jobs... And, that each birth means less for everybody else.

"Get rid of welfare and food stamps," they shout, "Get rid of free lunches, unemployment benefits and medicare..."

"47 percent of the people are free-loaders!"

I say, "Suck my dick!"

The mouth of a hateful, uncaring cocksucker belongs around a dick - not giving people any stupid advice. And, these motherfuckers are the first ones to ask you to give money for their shit, and sell their candy bars so they can spread their propaganda.

Abortion is NOT murder, murder is murder, and there is nothing wrong with that. Some people need to be killed. The sooner the better. The more the merrier.

You cannot reason with fanatics. You can only liquidate them. You cannot create a better world and let the assholes live in it. That's why their are concentration camps and gas chambers. To get rid of all these stupid motherfuckers!

What did we really learn in Vietnam?

Charlie comes through the villages and kills all the people who cooperate with us. And, then we come back and kill all the people who cooperate with them. The moral of the story is: You can't sit on the fence. You join one side or the other and put your ass in the grass! 

God help you if you choose the wrong side.

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