Saturday, January 19, 2013

Let's Boil Some Frogs!

"If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will of course frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death."
~ Version of the story from Daniel Quinn's The Story of B

The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.

The upshot being that people should make themselves aware of gradual change lest they suffer eventual undesirable consequences. 

In other words, If drastic change takes place abruptly, we notice and react to it. If it takes place gradually, over a few generations, we are hardly aware of it, and by the time that we are ready to react, it can be too late.

That's what's happening to us. Things are getting worse and worse, so we don't really notice what's happening. Whatever happens will happen slowly, and we won't have time to jump out.

If you have not watched the video: The Most Important Video You'll Ever See, watch it NOW! (1hr 14 minutes)  CLICK HERE

What we have here is: A Race With the Devil.  (LISTEN TO THE SONG)

Suddenly, at the top of a nearby hill, a fireball ignites a bonfire next to a barren tree, and eerie cloaked figures emerge, dancing around it and chanting. Satanists! How disturbing... until cloaks start to drop and naked females begin cavorting. 

"An orgy, maybe?  Whew, let me look." (Distracted by porn again.)

But then out comes the sacrificial knife, down it plunges into trembling virgin flesh, and it’s clear that this is not your typical harmless Satanic orgy.

The question turns from “Who amongst these gentle yokels is a Satanist?” to: “Really?  Everyone’s a Satanist?” Every last one of them is out for themselves! And, there are spring-activated rattlesnakes, the worst kind, that can jump out of cupboards at you. 

Pilgrim, you don't stand a chance... Your good-ol’-boy persona will go  through several gradual shades of nervous breakdown, until your slow-burning paranoia will eventually reduce you to flying a Kamikaze plane into an aircraft carrier... ("Use the Force, Luke," to dodge the anti-aircraft guns.)

I'll say it again: The only way out of this fucking mess is to get off this planet and begin the 'Conquest of the Universe'!

That being the 'plan', next we need to create the type of human being who would be most useful in this undertaking: the New Man.

So, we begin mixing black magic and tire-squealing action as though such things belonged together. 

And, of course, they do.

PS: You can get your 'Race With the Devil' T-shirt HERE.

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